Chapter 12: Jay

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Annoying Radha is fun. Ok, yeah I know, it's not nice to be mean, I should try to be more nice to her, we should try to get along, blah blah blah. But like honestly? Triggering her, seeing her get all worked up, just because of something I did? That feeling is a whole different thing....

For example, her face when I was flirting with the secretary- priceless. She looked so annoyed and done with me, but at the same time, there was another emotion I couldn't detect. Jealousy? Nah, don't be stupid Jay, why would she be jealous. It's not like she likes you like that. Ok, but then why did I flirt with the secretary? Ok, no, this is too many thoughts before going to sleep. (BTW, for context, me and Radha made it to our parent's rooms (right across from each other, of course) so now I'm just chilling on the mini-bed in the front room of the hotel suite. I checked the time... 2:47 AM, damn that's late. Time to sleep and dream..., about Radha?


It's the day before the Haldi. Even from our hotel suite, 10 floors above ground, we can hear the DJ checking the sound, the rush of desi aunties, the clattering of plates and spoons. I mean, I shouldn't have expected any less - it's a desi wedding after all.

"Jay, beta, wear the dark yellow kurta I put on the sofa!" Ma called from across the hall as she was putting on her big gold jhumkas.

"And don't start complaining that there's pink on it, pink is a manly color!" Dad laughed with a mocking tone.

I signed, knowing that my dressing style will be completely taken from me for the next few days. Now, it was all this kurta and that kurta based on the color schemes of the decorations downstairs.

On the sofa, there was the yellow kurta with four pink buttons on the top and a dark yellow embroidery. I opened my mouth to protest, but with the look my Dad shot at me, I thought better of it and just wore it as told.

After a little cologne, hair gel, and a pearl necklace, my fit was complete. My parents and I stepped out the door, and I looked across from us. The door was locked, so I'm assuming...

"Hari Uncle and Rashmi Aunty are already downstairs helping to set up the lights. Unless.., you wanna wait for Radha?" Ma asked with that little tone as if she was onto something. Dad chuckled.

"I mean, if she's up alone, then yea, I guess I'll wait for her," I shrugged. The more time I spend with her, the more I get to annoy her. Oh, so you want to spend time with her now?

"Alright, but be down soon, we're getting a mix of continental and Indian for breakfast today, thanks to the wedding!" Dad said, rubbing his hands in excitement. "See ya downstairs!"

And with that, I was left alone standing in front of Radha's room. Do I uh... knock? Nah... But like standing here isn't any better... I rubbed my neck - a habit of mine when I don't know what else to do with my hands. Ok, screw it, I'mma just knock the door.

I gave two knocks and cleared my throat. But before I could even say anything, the door burst open with Radha's back facing me.

"MA! Thank god you're back, quick can you do these hooks please! I'm hungry and I'm sure all the uncles will finish breakfast if we don't go fast enough," Radha rushed. Her back was to me, open because the blouse was unhooked.

I... didn't know what to say. I guess the silence made her realize that something was wrong, because then she turned around and boy- I gasped.

It just hit me that the last time I've seen Radha in traditionals was the summer of 8th grade when we had a cultural day in school. But man did she grow since then. Because the Radha I'm seeing in front of me right now - I swear to God I shouldn't be saying this about someone I hate so much - but I swear that she looks ten times better than any Bollywood actress I've ever seen. No, a hundred times better. Man, if she wore traditionals everyday, maybe I wouldn't hate her so much. Maybe I wouldn't hate her at all. Maybe I'd like-

"I can give you a picture if you insist to stare for so long," Radha smirked, bringing her hand to my chin to close my mouth. Dude, was I literally drooling over her? That's embarrassing-

"I... uh... no.... it's not..."

"Save it for later, trashcan. Now, why don't you do me a favor and get my Mama here to help me out," she said, tilting her head and twirling a strand of hair she just curled.

Oh, she wants to play that game? Well, two can play along...

I cleared my throat and took a step forward to lean against the door frame. "Why do you need your Mama when I can help you out myself, darling" I said, winking at her.

She rolled her eyes, but surprisingly turned around for me to do the hooks. That was easier than I thought-

"Now, before you get ideas, this is only because I'm starving to death and it's gonna take some time for Ma to come up, and you're the only person here, that's the ONLY reason I'm letting you do this, understand?" Radha said, motioning for me to do the hooks.

"Keep telling yourself that," I smirked, hooking the blouse. But I swear, as I was doing the hooks, I could hear her inhale softly as my fingers kept brushing her back. Damn girl, the things you do to me- Wait what? Nah, this is all because of the dress, I'm feeling this just because she looks damn good in this dress, that's it. Couldn't possibly be anything more....

"Ahem, you can take your hands back," Radha said, turning around and closing the door behind her. I stepped back to give her some space, and watched as she walked off towards the elevator.

I don't know why a stupid part of me was saying Please look back, please look back when she walked away from me because I thought that if she did, she felt the same way I was feeling right now. Stupid of me to think that, right? Because I don't even like her like that-

Radha spun around, and gave me a sly smile. "You coming, or you're gonna keep staring?"

She turned! Man, the things this girl is doing to me right now.... 


Phew! That might be the longest Jay POV I've written so far. And man- I think this might be my favorite part so far. Desi girls in traditionals >>>> 

So, whatcha guys think so far? You likey? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS BELOWW! 

signing off, 

your anonymous writer ;) 

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