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I got a call from Finn this morning that him and [name] fought and how he didn't know how to talk to him

I went over to his house. I knocked on the door. No answer. It was at least 12 someone should have answered. I noticed there was no car but I thought at least [name] would be home

After about 10 minutes no one answered. As I was leaving a kid passed me and walked up to me "no one lives there anymore!" He yelled

"What are you talking about?" I turned around to ask

"I saw the moving trucks last night. I heard the old lady who lived there died in a car crash and the boy living with her got sent to his moms house." He said with a sorrow in his voice

"Shit..."I said before sprinting back to Finn's house

I knocked profusely until Gwen opened the door. I walked past her and sat next to finn who was wrapped with a blanket and was watching cartoons.

"Finn" I said looking over to him

"Yeah robin?" He asked looking over to me I saw that his eyes were puffy and red showing he had been crying recently

"So...you not going to like hearing this.."I said before spitting it out

"[name] is gone now..."I said making Finn's eyes water

"He's dead?" He asked with sadness in his throat

"No no but he is back in his moms house." I said leaning back seeing that Finn's tears were still there

"But but...why?" Finn said looking back at me

"His...grandma...she died man." I said my own voice cracking a bit

Finn only cried. I don't know why he did but he cried and cried. The only thing I could do was comfort him.

His cries sounded like hearing a loved one had died which is the only way I could describe it

"Look dude summer break was almost over he was going to leave soon." I said patting his back

"Yeah...but now he hates me and I never got to tell him..."Finn said pausing never finishing f his sentence

"Tell him what?" I asked

"Sorry..."Finn said not sounding like he was telling the truth like it was stuck in his throat refusing to come out

I nodded my head and just accepted it. I mean I had to leave now because my mother was talking about how I needed to go to back to school shopping and get ready for school since summer break is almost over

"We'll see you Finn...don't think about it too much..."I said patting his back and leaving the house

I don't know if just felt something weird about this. I wonder what they fought about they seemed to be joined at the hip for the whole break.

They got along so well...I don't know why..

When I got home my mom greeted me by saying "robin where have you been we were supposed to go shopping 10 minutes ago get to the car come on." She said pushing me out the door again and into the car

As we drove by we went past [name]s grandmas house. That was now vacant. I stared at it even though I haven't known [name] for that long I still felt bad

He seemed to have had the worst day in his life and then boom his grandma dead. My mom must have caught me staring because she said "ah you must of heard too, sad that boy looked so scared when the police came to the door and told him. I heard that he was already crying before they got there." My mom said like gossiping

I thought about it more as we shopped. Just thinking I was never going to see this guy again, well most likely.

Maybe we will meet but not in a way I'd like. Like maybe I get into a fight with a guy and [name] is his friend

But I feel like the day just flew past me since I was already laying in bed. My clock read 8 o'clock

I didn't feel like sleeping. My mind was going about 25 miles a minute

I don't understand. What happened that day that Finn is feeling all sad about? What did Finn do? What did [name] do?

I still don't get it.

I'll ask Finn tomorrow on the first day of 9th grade. This whole week seems weird. Like it's gone by so fast.

I need to talk to [name]. I pull off the covers and I rush the land line in the kitchen. I put in Finn's house number and I wait. It rings about 4 times before I heard Gwen

"This is Blake residents." She said in the sweetest voice

"This is Robin I need to talk to Finn." I said before hearing a pause and someone picking up the phone

"What's up Robin it's late what's wrong"? he said with worry in his voice

"Nothing just do you have [name]s house phone?" I asked praying that he found a way to get it

I heard nothing for about a minute then I heard loud foots steps coming back to the phone

"It's 725-933-0372 why?"

"I need to figure things out goodbye finn sleep well." I said before hanging up and re-dialing a number

It took about 6 rings until someone answered "hello this is [last name] residents." I heard a middle age man said on the phone

"Is [name] available!" I ask with my voice as nice as I can

"Hold on"

"Who is this?" I heard [name]s voice from the other side

I felt a wave of relaxation wash over me as I knew he was safe. I knew he was but deep down inside of me I just wanted to make sure

I'll solve this [name], Finn

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