Chapter 11

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Vega's P.O.V:

"Hey Vega" Angerona called at me gleefully. Her attitude made me sick. How can someone be so happy when they have been kidnapped? "Hi" I said; dragging the single syllable word out over several seconds. "What's got you in a good mood?" I eyed her up. Something was odd about her. Not quite the same as before. "It's just nice to have a gu-"

"I thought you weren't interested in Frank?"

"Who says it's F-"

"Who says it's Frank? It's Kinda obvious. You were going to talk about a guy. The only guy who has shown any interest in you is Frank- I mean here." She just rolled her eyes "Stop cutting me off! Anyways! Frank and I may or may not be a thing." I had no real interest in this; so I went back to browsing the TV channels. Angerona huffed at me and I could see her fold her arms in my peripheral vision. "You really have a thing for married guys; don't cha?" I said nonchalantly as I settled on watching some rubbish soap. Well, I wasn't going to watch it but I'll just keep it on as background noise. Angerona raised her hands defensively "All the hot guys are married... and hot guys clearly have a thing for me!" she winked at me playfully. "No. It's wrong, Angerona. Wrong. Frank has a wife and kids! You're ruining their family!" She scoffed at me.

"That's a bit hypocritical!" I winced internally. I technically was. That was the whole focus of my plan; to make Gerard fall in love with me then hit him where the sun don't shine... That's his heart; by the way. The sun only shines on that if you've had your chest gored by something.

"I'm not being hypocritical! I'm not seeking a relationship with a married man!" Which was true, because I wasn't. "You still li-" before she could finish that sentence I had my hand firmly clamped over her mouth. "Don't. You. Even. Start." I whispered. I let go of her mouth eventually and walked upstairs, leaving a very perplexed Angerona to stand in the room, alone.

I wasn't particularly sure where I was going. Then again; there wasn't much to do upstairs. I could retrieve my notepad? Nah. I soon enough find myself on the balcony and leaning on the rail I let out a hefty sigh, it was almost sunset already? I hadn't even started getting my plan together and I was already feeling really guilty about it. I can't do this to one of my idols; can I? I suddenly really want a cigarette. I've never had one before; but I might as well have one. Maybe becoming a chain smoker will kill me sooner than Gerard will. I stepped back inside and tried the door to Gerard's room. It was locked "Damn." I whispered to myself as I headed back downstairs I heard a little scream from the kitchen; so I went to see what was going on.

Gerard's P.O.V:

I heard three mugs smash on the floor and didn't dare open my eyes in case I was met with three different murderous gazes. I mean; they dropped their coffee... their coffee... This will not be good. I decided to open my eyes after a few seconds that felt like eternity. Ray and Frank had unhinged jaws that were wide enough to catch flies. Mikey was cursing and switched on the tap. I guess he got burned by coffee. How poetic. Something he loves hurt him. Then again; it's not the first time.

He should be used to it by now.

Frank was the one to break the silence and tension. "Gerard; tell me you're joking." he said assuredly, but quiet all the same.

"Why would I be?" I questioned politely. The regret I had about all of this was growing exponentially. "You're the one that broke us up in the first place!" Frank said, slamming his hand into the counter top. "We were all happy with the band and you!" He walked over to me and jabbed me in the chest sharply. "YOU stopped it all!" I inhaled deeply through my nose. I noticed that there was still a knife on the table. Who could have left that out? Without thinking I had grabbed it and had it up to Frank's throat. Ray had moved back toward the door. I panicked and pulled out my gun. 'Panic! at the Kitchen' I chuckled quietly. My jokes are gold. You can't deny it "Don't move." I stated quietly. Ray nodded as Mikey picked up a cup of coffee and sipped it. "Where did you get that from; Mikey?"

"There was some coffee left over" he continued to sip his drink. "So I got a new mug, and drank what was left." You could tell he was my brother from all the sass that was seething from what he had to say.

I didn't like it. I aimed the gun at him. "I always said I was gonna shoot you, Mikey... Just, didn't think it'd be so soon." He just glared at me and continued to sip his coffee as I smiled a toothy grin. I heard a feminine yelp from the doorway. We all turned to see a very scared Angerona. I ignored her and turned back to Mikey who had walked over to me. I held the gun up to his temple now; he was that close. He stayed composed. Maybe he's as detached as I am. Maybe it runs in the family.

There are too many maybes for my liking.

How frustrating.

I heard someone in the living room so I turned my head. It was Vega. She rolled her eyes at me. What was I doing? I'm literally on the verge of killing two of my best friends. She's clearly not surprised at me. I'm pathetic. Thanks for making me feel that way; Vega. Hey, maybe she's learning from me? She shouldn't be like me. That's bad. Very bad. Suddenly I heard a bang. I had pulled the trigger. What the hell!? I didn't even realize that's what I was doing. I am such a mess right now. I need more coffee.

Vega's P.O.V:

I entered the kitchen to be greeted with a sickly looking Frank Iero with a knife to his throat along with a gun held to the temple of a very calm Mikey who was sipping coffee. Angerona was clearly the source of the scream. Ray just didn't seem to be getting involved. Smart Ray. Gerard was holding the knife and gun simultaneously. I swear; I cannot leave Gerard alone without him almost killing someone! I roll my eyes as I exit the room.

Then I hear the gunshot.

That's all I could remember before I blacked out.




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