[The Long-Awaited] Chapter 14

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{Third Person POV}
That first week of Vega being kidnapped was the busiest week in that small house in the middle of the desert. Gerard did his best to control her, break her down so that she would love only him. Cut off all her communication with everyone or they die. simple enough, really. Mikey was getting worse, never leaving his room and the occasional wail could be heard if you stood outside for long enough. Frank was dying because he couldn't stand Angerona- no matter how convincing his acting was that made everyone believe he loved her he hated her just as much as Vega- which was a pretty hard thing to do. Ray was just being Ray, often going out to get supplies and other things, working behind the scenes and always seeming to be awake, no matter the hour.

Vega and Angerona did appear on the news, only every now and again. There were reports of them as far afield as Missouri- but that was never really thought of as being true due to the police most likely believing that the girls were in the local area. Ray laughed at that idea because he did his best to cover up where they were, and he was doing a pretty good job of it too. But, sometimes, pretty good just isn't good enough.

*2 weeks later*

Vega's P.O.V:
Gerard must know that I've changed, that he's changed me. My skin has become paler and more blotchy, as well as becoming taut over my bones. My eyes that he insisted were beautiful and stunning aren't even commented on anymore. I've seen them myself in mirrors, and believe me- they look duller than I thought possible. Their shine is all gone. They look like they have gained a greyish mist. My hair that I loved a lot is now patchy and parts are falling out. I'm doing this to get back at him. The revenge is worth this. I can regrow my hair, I can gain weight again, no big deal. I'll fit into my clothes again, give it time. I take in my surroundings. I'm sitting on Gerard's bed and I believe the clock reads something around 3AM, it's too dark to tell really. Some more of my drawings are pinned onto the wall, but my drawings of Gerard are his prized possessions, or something. I remove the blanket from on top of me to look at my outfit. It's shorts and a tank that used to fit me well, but are now extremely baggy. Gerard has his arm slumped over my stomach and the other underneath my back. How cute.

A gentle buzzing comes from the side table and an acoustic version of Blink 182's "I Miss You" played quietly. Gerard shot up quickly, causing him to hit my spine with full force. He didn't apologise as he fumbled with his phone as quickly as he could. "Uhhh, Vega... Could you stand outside, please?" I nodded, as I grabbed my hoodie from the side and crept outside of his room as quietly as I could. As soon as I was out of the door he pushed it shut and locked the door. The door hit my tailbone on the way out, and I rubbed it furiously once the door was locked. I slipped the hoodie over my head and moved my arms backwards and forwards, causing the arms to flap around about me. I eventually got bored and sat down. I now sat outside of Gerard's bedroom door. I looked down at my bony foot and could faintly see the outline of the stain of Bob's blood on the carpeted floor. I sigh as I rub it gently.

Ummm, Vega?
Why are you rubbing a stain of a dead guy's blood in the carpet?
I... Don't know... but, you make a convincing argument. Wait... you've made no argument whatsoever. Actually... why am I talking to myself? I roll my eyes as I bring my knees up to my chin and wrap my arms around my legs.

I could hear Mikey snivelling from his bedroom again. I hate it. Why doesn't he just accept Gerard's help? Or any of our help, for that matter. I mean, what could he or any of us have possibly done to make Mikey so scared to ask to help him? Gerard and Mikey have even said that they helped each other in the past, so what has happened? I sigh as I get up and stand outside of Mikey's door and raise my hand to knock on it- but I instead gently rested my forehead on the door, pressing onto the wooden carving of a simple square. I hear Mikey's snivelling stop and footsteps. I hear inaudiable whispering from Mikey, but crying nonstop and not speaking to anyone is bound to make your voice hoarse. "What?" I whisper as quietly as I can "I can't hear you." I heard a click and the door opened slightly. I got a glimpse of Mikey. His skin was translucent and had a red tinge, as did his eyes. His face was covered in tear stains and his lips were scabby and dry. "I said, go away. Gerard will kill me if he finds out." He whispered slightly more loudly. "Isn't that what you want, though?" He rolled his eyes and closed the door. I gave up on Mikey and sat back down outside of Gerard's bedroom. From the other side of the door I could hear Gerard's conversation. "No, Lyn-Z. I loved you! You're the one that cheated on me- On our honeymoon!"

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