Sofia x Click- Movies!

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Click's POV:

[ * Okay, okay, okay, okay, YOU GOT THIS, CLICK. You're just coming over to Sofia's house to watch some movies, yes. No romantic shit, no kiss, just watching movies as FRIENDS. She wouldn't even like you anyway. Her house is hidden in waterfall, correct? Where is she.. ]

" [BOO!] "
" AGH- "

" ... SOFIA. WHY. "

" [Because it's funny, lol.] "

[ * I huffed, admitting defeat, she's.. Adorable. YEAH, NO DON'T THINK THAT, anyway. ]

" You, uh, ready to watch a movie? "

" [Yesh!!] "

" Okay, uh, yeah, take me to your hidden house, or something. "

" [Close your eyessss.] "

[ * I don't really like this process of me entering her house, I get that it's hidden, but, uh, yeah. Anyway, guess I'm here- oh, WOW she prepared a LOT. ]

" [TADAAAA!! Do ya like it??] "

" ... I.. Love it. "

" [YIPPEE!!] "

[ * I take a moment to bask in the beauty of her room, it's.. Actually very.. Nice, and alluring. It's actually pretty thoughtful of her to prepare this much-- ]

" OOF--"

[ * WHHAhaAAAJSHA- SHE JUST.. TACKled.. me... to the... couch.. ]

3rd person POV:

[ * The sight was breathtaking for Click, he saw Sofia on top of him, pinning him down with her hands on the sides of his head, smiling cheerfully at him, unaware of the situation that is happening at the moment. ]

[ * Click looked RED. FULL ON RED. He was stuttering like a dork, his breath choking from inside his lungs, he actually, legitimately couldn't breathe, this was his CRUSH. THIS WAS HIS CRUSH. THIS. WAS. HIS. CRUSH. THIS WAS HIS CRUSH. PINNING HIM DOWN. ]

[ * Unfortunately, Sofia got up from the position, making Click actually catch his breath. ]

" [Anyway, let's w-watch my FAVOURITE movie to watch! When I was a kid, I used to watch it all the time!] "

[ * Sofia acted cheerful and happy as from before, she REEALLY likes this movie, huh? ]

Sofia's POV:

{ * Did I really just did that Did I really just did that  Did I really just did that Did I really just did that Did I really just did that Did I really just did that Did I really just did that, WHY DID I DO THAT? Now he probably thinks I'm a weirdo, or something, for tackling him to the couch and being THIIIIIIS close to his face, LIKE WHATAHATAH, EVEN I WOULD BE PISSED, LIKE ARGG. He looked red, probably in anger, tho. Yeah, definitely anger, or maybe embarrassment, orrr does he like me? ... Nah, he wouldn't like you, you're probably considered as his friend. Even so, I just like that we're friends at least, and we're close, that's all I can ask for.. Right? }

{ * I put on my FAVOURITE MOVIE! 1! 1! 1! YIPPEE! 1! 1! I hope Click likes the snacks, and I hope he's comfortable enough. I think I gone overboard with the preparation. }

{ * Anyway, MOVIE!1! 1!!! THE ####### TITANIC!! 1! 1! 1 Awesome movie, yesh yesh. }

" The Titanic? Really??? "
" [What, you don't like it, Mr 'I Can't Figure Out Why Women Like The Titanic'.]

Click's POV:

[ * I feel so exposed. ]

Sofia's POV:

{ * Anyway, I turn the movie on and turn off the lights, and snuggle in the blanket next to Click, YIPPEE!!1! 1! I'M SO EXCITED! 1! 1! }

\ Timeskip thingu to somewhere in the end of the movie. /

{ * EEEEEEEEEEEEE! 1! 1! 1 THEY'RE KISSING!! 11! 1 YIPPEE! 11! 1! Also, sad. I'm crying. I look over to Click JUST to see if he's enjoying it, and he seems focused on the kiss, deeply thinking about something, blushing. AWWWWW DOES HE WANT A KISS TOO SOMEDAY? OM GOD THAT'S ADORABLE. I wonder if it would be me to kiss him, the only time I've been able to 'kiss' him, was in my dream. }

Clicks POV:

[ * ... Gosh, I wish that were me.. And Sofia. Maybe we'll kiss again in my dreams again, that kiss seemed so real.. Darn you, you bird. You started this love thing. And now all my friends tease me for it, cause I used to sell.. Fucking.. Dating shoes.. ]

[ * Zzzz... ]

\ Timeskip thingu to the end of the movie. /

[ * I would feel a soft touch, on my forehead, brushing my hair slightly back.. I would feel... Something carefully touching my cheek, my chin.. Wiping it, with it's thumb. I think. The soft touch would.. Stop? Then.. I would feel.. A weight on my shoulder, leaning against me, snuggling against me, trying to find warmth.. It would stop moving.. If I would been able to wake up fully.. I would know what it was.. ]

[ * My dreams, now contained dream Sofia.. ]

[ * I.. Just wish I would kiss her again, properly this time and not some silly high school trip and fall kiss.. A proper one. Both of us would reach out to each other, feeling our faces and we lean, closer and closer, inching more closer than ever.. Until.. We finally kissed passionately, our tongues danced lovingly with each other as our lips stayed collided with one another, glued tight, nothing can break this kiss unless the dream ends... It felt.. So.. So.. Real.. I wish.. This was forever. ]


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