Sofia x Click!.. and Spotira- Drunk

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Spotira's (Oc) POV:
[ * I stumbled in our resort room drunk with my arm wrapped around Sofia's shoulder, we had a lot of alcohol at Grilby's- ]

* HiC! nnN- I nneevrr k[CUt OFF]neww dat- hIC- wE coold ActuaAlly DRink [[LiGht>ner]] AlCaholl-

" [ >>LOL¡ HHEAHHE- ] "

[ * We were slurring our words and everything, we were really drunk, I gotta thank Sofia for paying for the alcohol- She has a job, and I get like no money at all. ]

* Are you two... Goddamned drunk..?

[ * Pinky Click over here looked at both of us, like if we were infected with a Error virus or something- ]

* HIC- yEa! Nnnnnn- YOu [aRe] so UnluckY u didnnt ggetet t try dE AlChahol HeRE! [SO UNFORTUNATE!!!]

" [ /*$( yeaAsSaa Heh$)-ehhSha $#(_) ]

[ * The Pink Ad man sighed, heheheh, he handed us some water, wtf are we supposed to do with this. ]

* Drink it, I will be right back, I will get you two some food.

" [ woEww¡!! 11! youre not gonna drink some alcahol   witttthh us??????????????????????? cold. ] "

* Absolutely not, I'm not getting drunk when I'm the one who's supposed to be smart and responsible for shit like this.

" [ *grumbles drunkenly* ] "

[ * Hahahahahha- Sofia's so funny she's so funny wow she's so funny. Pink Ad man left tho. ]

" [ ?Wana⚠️ play srtip poker¿???⚠️ ]

* Yeaaaa shure.

Click's POV:


[ * Oh my god.. I can't fucking believe that these two are drunk, and I'm responsible. Uggggggghhhhh, welp, I took long enough. Those two are probably drinking more Lightner alcohol or sleeping. Please be sleeping.. What if they're kissing, they're drunk that could happen. ]

[ * I opened the resort door with a plate of burgers in hand and started to look in the room immediately. I'm expecting only the dumbest things from them, they're drunk, right? ]

* I'm back with-


3rd person POV:

[ * Click then saw Sofia in only her bra and pants with her beanie and top on the floor while Spotira is just straight up has no upper top clothes, playing poker. ]

[ * Click blushed and looked away, why were they playing godammed strip poker??? He should have known they would do something stupid like this- ]


" [ ¡!! heEeyyy, CLickky! <3 nnnnn YOure BacKkk!!!#_/ ] "


* Yah, yah, u [PARTY POOPeR!!!!!!!!] ggr gr.

[ * The two drunks would put their clothes back on and put away the poker stuff, Click would finally walk in the room and hand them the burgers. ]

* Eat.

" [ ¡?#(_8 alrite da#83ddy¡!!! ] "

[ * Click would turn red, flustered, wondering if Sofia would remember all of this next morning. ]

* ... Don't call me that..

" [ (+#meH, mite still ca#;ll u taht. ] "

[ * Click sighed, Spotira was OUT COLD, purely knocked out from the excessive alcohol, and Sofia's just simply eating her burgers. ]

" [ .......... ] "

" [ &@( sooooooOoooo..; whatcha up to, hOt$¿ StuFf¿??? ] "

Click's POV:

[ * Is.. Is Sofia flirting with me???? Does her drunk mind think I'm actually hot enough to be flirted with?? Huh???? ]

* ... Nothing.

" [&;;/ CmmmMmoN!!¡! there gota be sum things u do on /; a daily basiz 1!! ¡! ]"

* God, Sofia- I said nothing--

" [ <3 I love u;;;) <3 ] "

[ * I.. Legitimately turned red.. That- tHAT WAS COMPLETELY RANDOM- THAT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD! 1! 11!! ]

" [ $#/ hEeheheh>> i love it when u blush, u look so adoable..,.;. ] "

* I-...

[ * I'm speechless, I can't say anything to this drunk. I know this is just Sofia being drunk right now, but- I can't help but get fucking flustered over this??? SHE'S DRUNK!!1! 1! SHE PROBABLY DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING! Drunk people say a lot of dumb stuff anyway, so- ]

[ *... Aaand, Sofia passed out and fell into my lap. I can't move now, cat rules. ]

* ... I love you too.

3rd person POV:


[ * Gadget would wake up, smelling a strong smell of booze in the room. ]

* What the f-

[ * Gadget smelt it coming from both Sofia and Spotira, who was knocked out.. And Sofia is flirting with Click, 'SHE'S DRUNK! AND SHE'S FLIRTING! WITH CLICK!' is what Gadget thought. ]

[ * Gadget would witness Sofia fall asleep on Click, and witness cLICK SAYING I LOVE YOU TOO1! 1! 1! Gadget WOULD squeal in excitement like a school girl, but he's tired so he'll deal with that in the morning and fell asleep. ]


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