S Sheriff x S Bandit- Thief!!!

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Showdown Bandit POV:

* HA!! I JUST WENT OFF WITH SHERIFF'S HORSE! GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Keeva is way too good at making prank ideas or just straight up crime ideas.. Aw dang nabit, the Sheriff's catchin up with another! Welp, time ta put in my race mode *

" COME BACK 'ERE, BANDIT!!11!!1!!1!!"
" NEVER! 11! 1!! 1!! 1"

* The chase. was. ON! GAHAHHAHA! I'LL SURELY WIN F'ER SURE! I had been horse ridin f'er YEARS! *

* Aw shi- *

3rd Person POV:

* Unaware to Bandit, Sheriff had put up a trap for him, making the horse drop Bandit, but Bandit lands perfectly, but is suddenly.. CORNERED?! Bandit's pinned to the wall! Oh no! *

" Welp, Bandit, guess yer goin ta get locked up. "

* The Sheriff looked at Bandit for... quite a long time waiting for his response and- *

" We bouta kiss or sumthang. "

" WH- WHAT? "

* Sheriff was completely caught off guard, causing him to blush in either embarrassment or being flustered and back up a bit *

" I mean, don't cha think that yer a lil too close? Seems like ya wanna kiss me, Sheriff. "

* Sheriff was too in shock to even say anything, he was speechless.. Speechless for Showdown Bandit himself.. *

" An' I don't blame ya for tryna kiss me, I could kiss me too.. But it seems that there's no time to do that.. See ya later, lover boy. "

* And with that, Bandit left.. Leaving Sheriff with his horse and mouth agape *

Keeva's POV:

" sssSSSOOOOO, HOW'D IT GO???? "

* I would yell out excitedly to Bandit like always! I wonder what happened to him! Did something queer happen??? He's blushing a tiny bit!! *

" Eh, it was alright, pardner, I stole his critter like ye suggested. "

" He done stole sumthang of mine too. "

* WHAT??? WHAT DID SHERIFF STEAL?? GRRR I'LL BEAT HIM UP!!! (Ugh, shut up! Why must you be this way, Keeva!) YOU SHUSH, YOU UH- MEANIE! *


" Mah gosh dang heart. He done stole mah heart. "


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