Great Minds

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"Stop It! You're hurting him, Kacchan!" Izumi stood between Katsuki and the boy he'd been bullying.

"Wow little quirkless Deku trying to play hero, hun?" Katsuki set off an explosion, as the five year old boy cracked his knuckles. The two boys behind he flashing their quirks.

"I-I won't let y-you!" Izumi cried. Quirkless or not, she wasn't going to stand by and let her friend be a jerk to other kids. "You want to be a hero! To go to UA!? Why are you acting so mean, Kacchan?!" Izumi's pleas and questions were met only with an angry explosion to the face.

"Shut up! DEKU!" Katsuki growled. "What do you know? You're just a quirkless bitch!"

Izumi cried at the memory. Kacchan's bullying only got worse. He even suicide baited her! And to top it all off-

"Can I be a hero like you?" Izumi asked, the frail man before her. "Even without a quirk?!"

"No, you can't be a hero without a quirk," The weakened form of All Might said. "Be an EMT or a police officer. They don't get the credit they deserve, but it's a fine profession."

Izumi growled-

'Screw All Might! Screw Kacchan! AND SCREW UA!' Izumi fell back and dropped her notebook, as she bumped into someone. She looked up, and saw the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. "Oh- uhm-"

The silver-blue haired girl was holding onto a tea cup in one hand, Izumi took note that the tea had spilled on the girl's outfit, and Izumi's #14 notebook in the other-

"Oh I-I'm s-sorry about y-your tea!" Izumi said, suddenly realizing she'd caused that.

"Is this yours?" The girl asked, as she waved Izumi's notebook around slightly.

"Y-yes...?" Izumi questioned. 'Why is she so curious? Kacchan says it's just creepy...'

"It's quite impressive," The girl said, as she looked at the open page. "Even with the best pot of tea, I don't think I'd be able to get this level of analysis. You must tell me, what is your quirk? Must be quite a high level iq quirk."

"Oh..." Izumi cursed, of course she only cares about a quirk. "I'm q-quirkless. I- uhm- just take notes on heroes... sometimes..."

"Oh dear," The girl looked shocked, Izumi expected some insult or to be laughed at. "Well, I'm very impressed. I'm Saiko Intelli. My quirk is called 'IQ'. IQ greatly magnifies my cognitive ability after I drink tea and shut my eyes, allowing me to process and calculate large amounts of information quickly! Please use my first name. You are?" Saiko reached out a hand to help Izumi up.

Izumi sat frozen for a moment. Before taking the hand and standing up quickly- "Uhm M-Midoriya... I-Izumi Midoriya..."

"Well, nice to meet you Midoriya!" Saiko smiled. "Perhaps we should talk, analysis over tea sometime!"

"Oh- uh s-sure?" Izumi was confused. This girl didn't care that she was quirkless? "Y-you d-don't care about my q-quirklessness?"

"Of course not!"Saiko said. She seemed almost insulted. "My word, have you grown up with ruffians!"

"I mean, my mom is n-nice?" Izumi said, as she rubbed the back of her neck. She didn't want to call Kacchan a 'ruffian' those he can be a little ruff sometimes. "I g-go to Aldera Middle S-school..."

"I do say!" Saiko sighed. "People like us must go to formal and better schools! Not places like that low fund school!"

"I-it's the only school m-my mom c-can afford," Izumi muttered. Saiko shuffled a bit.

"Please allow me to meet your mother, at once!"


"You are my friend. And my friend deserves only the best! Come now!" Saiko held onto Izumi's hand. "Now which way is your home?"

"Th-this way..." Izumi led Saiko to her apartment complex. Saiko seemed shocked.

"Someone of your intellect comes from such a low class?"

"I-I'm not s-sure if I should t-take that as c-complement or an i-insult," Izumi didn't know what to think of this girl. She seemed to be the closest thing to a friend Izumi's had since she was five. Inko was shocked to see a silver-blue haired girl standing with Izumi at the door.

"Oh hello? Are Izumi's friend?" The green haired woman asked.

"Yes," Saiko smiled. "You may call me, Saiko Intelli."

Inko smiled, as she asked Saiko- "So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm planning on attending Seiai Academy! I was hoping that Izumi could attend with me and switch over to my current middle school. I don't mind paying the fee, my family has plenty of money."

Izumi smiled, as she gave the most adorable puppy dog eyes. "Please mom! It wouldn't be as hard as UA, plus both are all girl schools!"

Inko thought for a moment- 'Izumi does need more friends. She may try to hide it, but I know she and Katsuki don't get along too well. Well boys tend to do that around this age, ignoring girls. Maybe having some girl friends will help Izumi from acting so recklessly.'

"Ok dear, if that's what you want. I will support you!"

"THANK YOU, MOM!" Izumi ran over and gave her mom a hug.

"Just be safe, Izumi dear."

"Of course mom!"

Tea Party [Seiai Academy Fem Deku AU]Where stories live. Discover now