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Izumi gulped as she walked to the principal's office. Ms. Kennai was a strict woman, who expected her students to act their best and do their best. What could she want with Izumi? Had Izumi done something wrong? Had Ms. Kennai found out who Izumi's dad was?!

There were so many possibilities and most of them likely meant expulsion. Izuku took a breath, as she put a hand on the doorknob to Mr. Kennai's office. Izuku opened the door, with a nervous expression.

"Y-you wanted to see me, Ms. Kennai?" Izumi questioned, as she walked in and sat down on the provided chair. Ms. Kennai smiled, as she sat across from the green haired student-

"Ahh, Young Midoriya!" The principal said, warmly. "I have something I want to speak with you about."

"Well- uh- Wh-what is it? Ma'am?" Izumi asked, nervously.

"You are aware the provisional licensing exam is coming up, are you not?"

"I- Uh, of course, Ma'am!" Izumi was curious where this was going.

"You should know by now, I personally choose the students I believe have the best chance of representing our school."

"Yes, I- uh- Heard some upper class-women speaking about that at lunch yesterday."

"Good," The principal stood up, and walked over to a trophy case. "You are also aware you are the first quirkless person to attend Seiai Academy, correct?"

"I assumed as much, Ma'am."

"Then, you are probably shocked to hear I have chosen you to attend the exam with a few other promising young girls."

"R-REALLY!?" Izumi stated, shocked.

"Yes," Ms. Kennai turned to face her. "I have chosen, You, Toga, Intelli, Hontei, Savvy, Quotennei, Sonyei, Usonsei, Dantri, Gunu, Enessa, and Gyma." Izumi was slack jawed. SHE was chosen to represent Seiai Academy!?

"Wh-why me?" 

"I've seen your test scores and hero training with those support items you use, Midoriya Izumi. Academically, you are my best student. Physically, you are in the top three. Which is impressive considering you had to rely mostly on support gear in the hero course activities."

"I- uh- Thank you, Ms. Kennai!" Izumi stood and bowed, toward her principal.

"You're dismissed," Izumi stood to leave, when the principal seemed to have remembered something. "Oh one more thing!"

"Uh- Yes Ma'am?"

"You know UA's top student, Bakugou Katsuki, correct?"

"Yes, W-we were childhood fr-friends, but we haven't spoken s-since middle school."

"I see," The Principal hummed in thought. "Do know schools like Shiketsu and UA are top in the rankings for a reason. I hope you can beat him. You're our top student Midoriya, I expect you to beat UA's best."

"U-understood, Ms. Kennai!" Izumi bowed.


With that Izuku left. Unsure of how to feel. On the one hand, the fact she was chosen at ALL was a feat in her own right. Her principal even praised her success! But on the other hand, she was no match for Bakugou, she never was! How could she beat him?! Wait... That's it!

Toga! Her quirk has so many implications they've never tried. What if she could copy quirks? Or at least personality? Izumi smirked, she may not be able to beat Katsuki physically. But she could beat him at analysis. Izumi had a lot of work to do...

Izumi met up with Sakio and Toga for lunch like she did everyday-

"So Izumi-kun?" Toga asked, as Izumi gave her a small bit of her blood to eat with her lunch. "What did Ms. Kennai want?"

"I am quite curious for that too, Midoriya-san!"

"Well, she told me I was chosen to go in the group to the provisional licensing exam."

"Oh! That's so cool! Izumi-kun!"

"Yes, quite a feat indeed!"

"Well, I wasn't alone, she also gave me a list of students who I would be joining! You two will be coming too!"

"Woah! We've been chosen!?" Toga cheered. "This is so cool!!!!"

"Indeed," Saiko said, as she sipped some of her tea. "Ms. Kennai must really believe we are some of her best students."

"Yes, she mentioned that..." Izumi trailed off.

"What's wrong, Izumi-kun?" Himiko asked, looking at her friend.

"Well, she also told me she expects me to beat Kacchan."

"Oh dear! Have you even spoken to that ruffian since you left that low fund school?"

"N-no..." Izumi sighed, then she perked up. "Which is a good thing!"


"Well, remember how we watched the sports festival?"

"Of course! You turned it into a pop quiz!" Himiko laughed.

"Well, that means I know Kacchan's limits. But since Seiai doesn't have that..."

"Then, he doesn't know your limitations... You're a genius, Midoriya-san!"

"Th-thank you, Sakio," Izumi blushed. Himiko looked between them a bit seductively, but otherwise didn't say anything. "But I have a few ideas for improvements before we go to the exam next week."

"What did you have in mind, Midoriya-san?"

"Well, Himiko, I'll start with you," Izumi took out her notebook and started writing her ideas down.

"Okie!" Himiko smiled.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I think if we train with your quirk some more, you might be able to copy- not only someone's appearance- but also their quirk. And if you study them enough- their personality."

"Woah! I never even thought of that!" Himiko had stars in her eyes. "With that kind of ability, I could have any quirk I want!?"

"Exactly! You could also sneak into a group of UA students at the exam as one of their own, and take them out. But we would need a lot of training to master even one student's personality."

"Or Himiko can act quickly in the heat of the moment."

"Hmm?" Izumi looked at Sakio. Himiko was just listening to both of them.

"Well, one sec," Sakio sipped some tea and closed her eyes. She spoke, her eyes still closed. "Once we gain a sample of the blood of one the UA students. Izumi can stage an attack on a group, Himiko comes in as the student she ingests the blood of, and 'saves' the group. Himiko, as said UA student, joins up with their group. And take them out slowly."

"That's a awesome idea, Sakio!" Izumi smiled brightly, as Sakio opened her eyes. Izumi was up in her face, which startled Sakio. The blue haired girl fell out of her chair and blushed-

"M-Midoriya-san! Why are y-you so close!" Izumi backed up and reached out a hand to Sakio. The other student took the hand and stood up.

"S-sorry, Sakio..."

"You two seem... close!" Izumi blushed, as she caught onto what Himiko meant. Himiko took off, as Izumi chased after her, leaving Sakio in the lunchroom.

"HIMIKO!?" Saiko blinked.

"That was weird..."

(Edit: A/N: I figured I'd mention the only canon name Horikoshi gave for the Seiai Academy students, was Sakio Intelli. So, I made up names for the rest of the students...)

Tea Party [Seiai Academy Fem Deku AU]Where stories live. Discover now