Good Times

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[A/N Edit: hehe, forgot to mention this is a flashback]


Izumi was shocked to hear about Bakugou Katsuki's kidnapping. Izumi was having a sleepover with Himiko and Saiko when the news broadcasted the interview with UA. Izumi scoffed as a reported spoke-

"Katsuki Bakugou was seen at the Sports Festival as aggressive. Many would even dare to say villainous! How can you be sure he won't join these so called 'League of Villains'. Which has attacked UA not once... but TWICE now?"

"HA!" Izumi let out a short. "KACCHAN WOULD NEVER!!!"

"How can y-you be so sure, Izumi-kun?" Toga asked, timidly.

"BECAUSE AS MUCH OF A JERK AND TOTALLY BULLY HE IS... He SEES himself as a HERO! Those idiot villains can't convince him because he is too PROUD to admit he has any FLAWS as a HERO!? They'll probably be dead by the time the heroes save Kacchan simply for IMPLYING Kacchan may be even the SLIGHTEST bit villainous!"

"If you say so, Midoriya-san?"

"Besides, shouldn't we be having fun before tomorrow-"

"We just received breaking news- The heroes have RAIDED the league of villains!?"

"See, Kacchan's fine!" Izumi smiled.

"You still look up to him, don't you Izumi-kun?"

"M-maybe a little..." Izumi rubbed the back of her neck, shyly.

"HEAVENS!? HOW CAN YOU HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR THE VOLATILE NATURE OF THAT RUFFIAN!?" Saiko would never understand how Izumi could still respect Katsuki after all he'd done to her.

"Well, I don't really know myself, Saiko," Izumi smiled, warmly, as she gazed downward towards her own hands. She clenched her hands into fist. "Kacchan may be rude, gruff, and a bully. But he has determination that could rival most pro-heroes. He's a raging quirkiest, but so are most people nowadays? Kacchan is spoiled, but that isn't solely on him. His parents refused to punish him, same for Aldera... But he wasn't all talk. He's worked hard for UA, I would watch him put his money where his mouth is for years."

"Really name ONE time that jerk did anything other than ridicule someone for no good reason?!" Himiko demanded.

"Ok," Izumi smiled, as she remembered a time rather quickly. "In kindergarten. Right before I was deemed quirkless, there were these fourth grade jerks. They started picking on me, Kacchan, and our other friends. Kacchan glared and activated his quirk, sending those bullies off, saying to pick on someone their own size! He saved us back then, so I know there's still some good in him. If he has friends at UA, he's probably turned over a new leaf, and if he hasn't well, UA will set him straight, I'm sure of it!"

"Too bad he isn't straight?" Himiko smirked.

"What do you-?" Saiko was cut off, as the three girls watched on the TV as Kacchan was saved by a redheaded boy and some other kids.

"Kacchan has a boyfriend!?" Izumi smiled with starts in her eyes.

"Now, now... Let's not jump to conclusions-" Saiko was ignored as their slumber party turned into gossip night. Toga smiled, as Izumi started them off-

"I wonder how they met!?"

"Who even is he!?"

"I think he's Kirishima, saw him tie with that TetsuTetsu kid from the sports festival!"

"What's his quirk!?"

"Hardening... I think they called it!"

"His quirk must be going overboard everytime they see each other!"


"Oh nothing~ Izumi-kun..."

"Wait! Toga quirks don't go off for no reason!"

"Oh sweet innocent, Midoriya-san..."

"What am I missing? Does he not know how to control his quirk or something? Girls!?" Saiko and Toga shared a glance, Toga blushing and Saiko nodding her head-

"You'll understand when your older, Izumi-kun!"


"Yes, that may be true Midoriya-san, but we mean mentally older."

"What am I missing!?" Izumi started a muttering spree, going on and on about what they could possibly be referring to. "MaybeKacchanactivateshisquirksomuchKirishimaneedstoconstandlybeready?Nonono.Kacchanwouldcontrolhimselfmorearoundhispartnerbutwhatifthey..."

Toga and Saiko started laughing. Izumi blushed, and stopped muttered. Izumi smiled, softly-

'Kacchan and I may no longer be friends, but...' Izumi looked over to the TV, then back at her friends. 'At least we each found people we get along with...'

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