A Letter

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Izumi didn't really remember her father. Inko, her mother, had always called Hisashi a kind and caring man. Izumi always wanted to meet her father.

He would often send letters, detailing his experiences in america. However, the letter he sent this time was... different...

Hello my darling wife and daughter,
It's me Hasashi! I wanted to admit the truth to you. You deserve to know, I am not in america.

Izumi and Inko both thought that maybe he'd returned a few months ago and didn't have the courage to admit or maybe his business failed?

Remember how on the news you saw All Might face off against that titan of a villain? Of course you do, Izumi is a fan of All Might so you probably watched the news. I am that villain. I never wanted to hurt you, that's why I left, All Might fatally wounded me. You wouldn't have even recognized me. I also couldn't let the heroes know you were linked to me, who knows what they would have done. Izumi I know you want to be a hero, if the truth came out, it would ruin your dream. I may be a villain, but I still care about you my future hero. Please, do succeed. You deserve a better path than I chose.

-Hisashi Shigaraki

Inko and Izumi were shocked. This was a terrible truth, but Hisashi was right. If he was revealed to be Izumi's father, she'd lose everything she worked so hard for.

Who knows what Saiko and Himiko would think!? Izumi could be expelled from Seiai Academy. Inko and Izumi could be arrested under the charges of harboring a villain or withholding illegal information!

Izumi sighed- 'This... is NOT good...'

Izumi walked into school the next morning and was met by her two friends. Himiko smiled-

"Hey, Izumi-kun!" The blonde smiled, as she waved at her friend.

"Midoriya-san?" Saiko asked, noticing her friend was spaced out a little more than usual. It wasn't uncommon for Izumi to zone out. The greenette often muttered to herself, but something seemed... off... to Saiko, she didn't need any tea to see that much. "Are you ok, dear?"

"Cool. Hun- oh!" Izumi finally snapped back to reality. The fangirl let out a chuckle. "Sorry, my dad sent a letter that said his business in America was failing. I'm just a little worried about him that's all."

That was the story Inko and Izumi spent the whole night coming up with- 'If anyone notices us acting a bit off tell them your father's business is struggling...' Inko said, to her daughter.

'Got it.'

Izumi smiled, brightly- 'Thanks mom.'

"Well I'm sorry that's happening," Saiko said, as she put a hand on Izumi's shoulder.

"I hope he gets back on his feet!" Himiko wined. Himiko always wanted supportive parents, and even if she was sometimes jealous of Izumi's supportive and caring home-life, she was still happy her friend didn't grow up in the toxic environment that Himko had to.

"We should get to class," Saiko said, as she got a book out of her locker. Izumi and Himiko nodded in agreement. With that the three friends went off to their first period class.

After school Izumi checked her phone. She had her phone set to notify her anything new about AFO was trending. Himiko noticed Izumi and glanced over her shoulder-

"All For One?" Himiko questioned. "I know we're training to be heroes? But why are you looking at him? Isn't he already captured."

"oh- uh..." Izumi struggled to come up with answer.

"Oh you must be learning from his and All Might's fight in case we must be forced to fight such a dangerous villain in the future! You always think ahead, dear Izumi!"

"I- uhm- YES! that's what I am doing!" Izumi stuffed her phone in her pocket and blushed a bit. 'Why do I always blush at her compliments?'

'Will Midoriya Izumi please report to the front office. At Once...'

Izumi gulped- 'Oh no...'

Tea Party [Seiai Academy Fem Deku AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang