- Prologue -

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"There was once a time where we didn't have to worry about the Abyss."

Aether and Paimon looked up at the Ex-Archon in confusion. "I... Thought that was obvious?" Aether asked, reaching to take a sip of his tea. Zhongli offered a small smile. "No, that's not what I meant. I'm referring to the fact that there was something much worse we had to endure."

Paimon tilted her head. "Something worse than the Abyss? Paimon doesn't think she wants to hear this..." Aether gave the floating girl a comforting smile. "I'm sure it's interesting. Please, tell us." Zhongli nodded.

"Once, centuries ago, there was a time where monsters traveled the world. They were not your typical Hilichurl or Abyss Mage, but rather creatures of pure despair. Many people did not know of their existence, however. These creatures could not be seen with the normal mortal eye."

Zhongli stared into his teacup as Aether and Paimon leaned in.

"The only way a mortal could witness these creatures is if they were trapped in their labyrinths. A place that was said to be like a maze of nightmares. I myself hadn't seen them, or the creatures for that matter."

Paimon perked up. "Wait a minute... If you've never seen them before... How is Paimon supposed to trust this story?"

Aether let out a hum. "Well... Zhongli doesn't seem like the kind of person to make up a story like this." The blonde haired boy reasoned. "Besides, I found a book a while back that briefly mentioned some kind of catastrophic event from centuries ago. I think it was in Lisa's library."

Paimon let out a small 'ah' sound before settling in Aether's lap,  focusing on Zhongli. "Correct. I would not find any enjoyment out of lying to you. Now, as I was saying."

"The only people who could see the creatures were a group of girls known as Mahou Shoujo's, or Magical Girls, and our Creator. The Creator didn't say much about any matters, only to let the chosen ones work in peace. This was all before the Archon War, so they were praised quite a bit, almost to the extent that the Creator is."

"However, despite how hard they fought, nothing could have saved them from the end time. To the mortals, it appeared as a large storm. Had I not known any better, I'd have thought it was Osial or even the Shogun's doing. But no, it was far worse."

Paimon let out a nervous gasp.

"The Shoujo's had ordered an immediate evacuation from all waterside areas. One of them, a girl with blonde hair, gave a quick explanation to me about the situation."


"Seems like a powerful witch." The girl said, lifting up a silver gun. "It looks like a storm." A much younger Zhongli noted. "Yes. If you look closely at the ocean and rain, you can see her reflection." Zhongli narrowed his eyes towards the ocean. "It's..." The girl nodded before getting a somber look. "Listen Morax, If anything happens, you and Guizhong need to protect the people." The Dragonic man looked down at her. "... I'm sure you will be fine." The girl hummed. "Maybe. At least I'll have my trusted friends fighting with me. Don't disappoint me, I want you to respect my wishes. Perhaps we will enjoy some tea again if all ends well." Morax simply nodded, watching as the girl took off.


"Unfortunately, the Witch turned out to be far to much for them. The one of gold had been beheaded, the one of scarlet was crushed. The one of music had been devoured as she tried to save the others. The one of Innocence had disappeared within the Witch's labyrinth. There were two remaining by the end of it. One of Hope and one of Time. These two..." Zhongli trailed off, Aether reaching over to give his hand a small squeeze.

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