Chapter One: Bullies

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TW: Bullying, panic attack
Veronica's POV:

Tia wasn't in class. But she was fine this morning. I don't know what happened. She wasn't in class and I haven't seen her all day. Something's dreadfully wrong. It's not like Tia to just up and leave, especially without telling anyone. I sigh to myself.

"Psst, Veronica, where's Tia?" Joe Black, one of Tia's friends, asked me. I shrug, I'm not paying attention to what the teacher is saying. I'm focused on Tia. I want her to be safe. I grab my phone and hide it under my desk so the professor won't see.

I open up Tia's contact and text a simple "are you okay?" to her. I then put my phone down and wait for it to buzz. The buzz comes sooner than I expected. I raise my hand and ask if I can get a drink, the professor allows it, and I bolt out the door.

"I need you! Please help, I'm at the lockers," Tia sent. Her locker is right next to mine, I bolt over to them and I suddenly hear loud pounding on the door of Tia's locker. I freeze in place. Was she locked up in there?

"Tia, are you in there?" I call. I hear Tia's muffled voice scream for help. She's in there. Someone must've locked her in there. I have to let her out. She's claustrophobic, and hates being alone and especially being alone in dark, cramped spaces. She must be petrified right now.

"Tia, what's the lock combination?" I ask. She replies "15, 30, 25" back to me. I quickly enter the combo, I did it wrong. I try it another way. My hands are shaking. Tia's pounding on the door, screaming and wailing. I need to get her out and I need to get her out now.

I take a deep breath and enter the combo the way Tia had told me, I hear it unlock and I open Tia's locker. She falls into my arms, her face is red and her eyes are puffy and swollen. She looks up at me.

"Ti Ti... Are you okay?" I murmur. She shakes her head, mumbling the word "scared" to me. I need to get her calm. She's having a panic attack. She grabs my shirt and asks if I can take her back to our dorm. I nod, texting Joe telling him to tell the professor.

"R-Ronnie-" Tia hiccups. I need her to calm down. I don't want her to be so upset. It hurts to see her like this. She looks so scared, and small. I make a beeline to our dorm and kick the door open. I lay her on the bed.

"Shh, shhh, it's okay. I've got you." I soothe. I try rubbing her back to get her calm. She cuddles up to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders and wraps her legs around my waist. I hear a knock on the door. Someone is at the door, but who?

I get up, Tia is still clinging to me, like a scared koala. I open up the door. It's Lawrence, Bimini, Tayce and Awhora: The United Kingdolls. They're all friends of Tia's. Tia looks up at them, her body is still shaking horribly. I wave to the others.

"Hey, is Tia okay?" Lawrence spoke quietly. Tia shakes her head, hiccuping and squeezing me tightly. I sigh and shake my head, motioning for them to come in. I lay Tia down on the bed and Awhora and Tayce look at each other. Then they both go over to Tia.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Awhora spoke, holding Tia's hand in her own. Tia couldn't speak, she was obviously still panicked, I wanted her to be okay. At this moment, I made a promise to myself that I would never let this happen to Tia ever again. And I meant that.

"Someone shoved her in her locker earlier and left her there." I inform. Tayce's jaw hits the floor and Awhora looks gobsmacked. Lawrence is tearing up and Bimini looks horrified. Lawrence and Bimini bolt over to Tia. I follow them and pull Tia onto my lap, holding her close.

"Ronnie..." Tia mutters. I assure her that I'm right here and that I'm not leaving her. She's curled up in a ball on my lap, fidgeting with the fabric of my shirt. I let her, it will get her calm, so I'm not gonna complain. She looks up at me.

"Thank you, Ronnie.." Ti Ti whispers. I smile. I don't know what she's thanking me for. I brush her hair out of her face with my index finger. She looks like she's getting tired. Tayce has a hand on Tia's knee. Awhora smirks as if she wanted to say something.

"I think Tia has a crush on Veronica!" Awhora teases. I jokingly smack her on the back of the head. She feigns shock and plays it up as if it really hurt. I doubt that it hurt. She's playing it up for pity points, isn't she. Tia rolls her eyes.

"Shut it, Rory." Tia chuckles. I laugh too, mainly because I'm happy that Tia is smiling again. A part of me wanted things to stay like this forever. She looked so much happier now. I don't know who was bullying her, but I'm going to stop them, mark my words.

Tayce runs her hand through Tia's hair, I whisper sweet nothings in Tia's ear. Awhora rubs her back and Lawrence wraps their arms around Tia's shoulders. Bimini hums Tia's favorite song. I notice Tia's eyes getting heavier. She lays her head against my chest and slowly starts to nod off.

I hear another knock on the door. Bimini volunteers to go see who it is. I look from where I'm sat on my bed and the door opens. It's Ellie. And she looks like she's been crying. I don't know why, but she seems distressed.

I hope Ellie is alright...

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