Chapter Four: It's Okay, I'm Here

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TW: Bullying, nightmares, panic attack, potentially upsetting content
Tia's POV:

"W-Wha? What's going on? What are you guys doing?" I can't help but scream. Ronnie's holding me, but not in the nice and gentle way. She's taking me somewhere. Tayce is opening my locker. I freeze, I can't say anything.

"Push her in, V." Bimini eggs her on. Veronica cackles, her eyes look grey and malicious. They aren't the soothing green color that I'm used to. Ronnie wouldn't actually shove me in there, would she? Not after what happened to me a few days ago... Right? Veronica stares at me.

I'm slammed against a wall. I try to get up but Awhora slams the door shut. I pound on the door, they can't leave me here, can they? I start feeling sick. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. They can't do this to me, they're my friends, aren't they?

I feel like the walls are closing in on me. Everything is spinning but they aren't letting me out. I start pleading and begging but they don't budge. I feel the bile rising in my throat and I feel my head go fuzzy, and that's when everything went black.


"Tia! Tia wake up!" I hear an unreadable accent. Awhora. Tayce is shaking me to get me to wake up. I bolt up, screaming. What are they doing here? I want them to go away. Ronnie looks at me, I feel tear streaks all over my face. Ronnie sighs.

She goes to pick me up, but I scream in retaliation. I end up falling off the bed. I didn't mean to fall. I don't want Ronnie to hold me, or any of them. I don't trust them. They stuffed me in my locker. At least I think they did.

"Tia, are you okay? You were fidgeting a lot while you were asleep and then you started crying. Is everything okay?" Veronica spoke. I shake my head. Why are they being all caring now? That's silly. They shoved me in my locker like those other bullies did a few days ago.

"S-Stay away! G-Get away f-f-from m-me!" I demand. Ronnie looks shocked and a bit hurt. She kneels at my side and takes my hand. I don't know what she's doing. I told her to stay away. I try to get away from them all.

"Tia, look at me. Breathe. You're okay. Can you tell me what's wrong?" Veronica is holding my hands. I don't want to be mad at her. I can't stay mad. I don't wanna be mad anymore. But it was really scary. I can't help it. I want a hug now.

"R-Ronnie-" I can only say her name. But I fling myself into her arms. She hugs me. I like this Ronnie better. Nice Ronnie. I don't like Mean Ronnie. Ronnie isn't mean. It's only then I realize what actually happened to me.

It was all just a bad dream.

Veronica's POV:

"B-Bad dream. You guys- you guys shoved me in m-my locker a-and I couldn't get out and y-you guys thought it w-was funny, and I f-fainted but t-then I woke up in my bed." Tia rambles, her breathing quick and erratic.

"Oh, Ti Ti. You're okay. It was only a bad dream. You're alright. I'm here now." I try and soothe her. She's still wailing. I wish she wasn't. I don't like it when she cries. It makes me really sad when Tia cries. She deserves only good things and happiness.

"Y-You p-p-promise it w-was just a b-bad dream? Y-You guys w-wouldn't do that in r-real life, right?" Tia mumbled. She's looking up at me. I'm horrified that she thought even for a second that I would do something that horrible to her.

"Of course not! We would never do anything like that to you! Come here, Tia," I soothe. She curls up in my lap and leans her hand against my chest. I smile at her and Tayce and Lawrence come over to us both, so does Awhora. Bimini is still asleep.

Tia is fidgeting with my hair. I can still hear her sniffling. A knock on the door snaps me out of it and I stand, Tia is practically attached to me, her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. I go to the door and open it. Bimini is at the door.

"Sorry I'm late. I didn't hear you guys trying to get me over here cause I was so exhausted." Bimini apologizes. I let them in and Tia looks up at me. I smile at her and she gives me a small smile. I'm happy she's smiling again, I really am.

"You feel better now, Ti?" Awhora spoke with a small smile. Tia nods a little. I lay her down on her bed and she asks if we can turn the TV on. I nod at her and flick it on, a rerun of an old 90s show is playing.

Ellie's POV:

Where the hell are they? I can't find them. Lawrence isn't here. I can't find Bimini or Awhora or Tayce either. And I'm scared. I hate being alone. Veronica called them all this morning but they should be back by now. I don't wanna disturb Veronica and Tia.

I feel my stomach start doing flips. I don't want what happened yesterday to happen to me again. I don't feel very good. I feel like something bad is going to happen and I don't want anything bad to happen but I feel like something bad is gonna fucking happen.

I need to find them. I decide to go to Veronica's room, they're in there most likely. I pound on the door. My arms are still aching from yesterday. I need Veronica to let me in. I need someone to be with, I'm scared to be alone.

I don't want to be alone.

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