Chapter Five: What's Up With Ellie?

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TW: Mentions of bullying, panic attack, potentially upsetting content
Veronica's POV:

Tia is still curled up in a ball on my lap, I covered her with a blanket cause she seemed cold. She's smiling at me. I smile at her too. Awhora is next to me, and Tayce is next to Awhora. Lawrence and Bimini are still sitting on the floor.

"Oh come on! This guy's oblivious!" Lawrence shouted at the TV, invested in the show that was playing on the screen. I look down at Tia, who's giggling at Lawrence's antics. I smile at her, feeling my heart begin to soar. I hold her close and hug her.

She's leaning against me, nestled up in her blanket. I smile and run my hand through her hair. She latched onto my arm and looks up, smiling widely. It's very sweet, and she seemed so happy. And that made me happy. She closes her eyes, seemingly nodding off.

Tia's been really clingy lately. I don't exactly mind, because she's still probably scared of being shoved in her locker again. Personally, I think she's adorable when she gets clingy. I don't know why everyone thinks we're in love with each other though. I don't think we are... I could be wrong.

I notice a weird sound. I don't think anything of it. It's probably just the wind outside. Or something like that. But it keeps getting louder and harsher. I think Tia's noticed, as she starts slowly rising up from her spot on my lap, tilting her head ever so slightly.

"Ronnie? Rora? I think someone's at the door?" Ti Ti mumbled. I look over and I hear someone pounding on the door. Awhora gets up and walks over to it and opens it, revealing a panicked, red faced Ellie.

"L-Lawrence? W-Where w-were you?" Ellie stuttered upon gazing at Lawrence. They turned to Ellie and tilted their head. Ellie looks like she's about to breakdown. I don't want her to breakdown but it really seems like she just might. I bite my bottom lip, Tia's still clinging to me.

"Ell Bell?" Awhora muttered, peering out from where she was sat on the bed. Ellie's hands her up near her face, she had tears streaming down her face. Her cheeks were a bright red, her eyes were bloodshot and brimming with tears. I tilt my head, what's up with Ellie?

"Y-You w-weren't there w-when I w-woke up..." Ellie continued. Lawrence seemed confused. Add them to the list, if I'm honest. Everyone was confused. Ellie seemed so distraught and I couldn't figure out why. It was confusing, I was confused and so was every body else here.

"Was I supposed to be..?" Lawrence muttered. Ellie nodded through a sob. I stare at Lawrence with a raised eyebrow. Tia tilts her head as she let go of me and walked over to Ellie. Tia and Ellie are both very tall. That doesn't matter, though I wonder who's taller.

"What happened, Ellie, talk to me. Tell me what happened." Tia requested, smoothing Ellie's hair out of her face. Ellie hiccuped quietly and hugged Tia tightly. Lawrence went over to Ellie too. And Awhora, and Tayce. I'm still by the door. I hadn't moved from that spot and I'm not sure why.

"B-Bad d-d-dream. W-Woke up a-and w-was alone..." Ellie wept. Tia tilted her head, Ellie was never one to be clingy, so why was she being clingy now? That was probably the question on everybody's mind. Normally, Tia's the one who's always clingy.

"Aw, Ell Bell.." Tia murmurs, she wraps her arms around Ellie. Tia probably knows how it feels. Sometimes I've woken up before her and she was having a nightmare and woke up when I wasn't there. It must feel absolutely horrible, I don't blame Ellie for crying and being upset.

"Tell me what you need." Tia instructed. Ellie held her tighter and asked for some water, which Tayce volunteered to get. She left and Ellie is still sobbing and clinging to Tia. This is different. Normally Tia's the one clinging to others, not the other way around. This is different.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Awhora spoke. Ellie replied with a barely audible "when Tayce comes back." and Awhora nods, simply rubbing her back to try and calm her down. I wish Ellie would stop crying. I don't want her to cry, it means she's sad and she doesn't deserve that.

"L-Lawrence, why weren't you there? I-I was calling f-for you b-but y-you weren't t-there..." Ellie wept. Tayce came back with some water and she handed it to Ellie, who promptly started to take small sips. Tayce smiled a small smile and Lawrence sighed.

"I'm sorry, Ell! V called me to help me calm down Tia, I didn't think to wake you up." Lawrence spoke worriedly. I finally am able to make myself move, and I walk over to them all, kneeling next to Ellie and Tia. Tia isn't letting go of Ellie.

"It's okay.." Ellie murmurs from where she was on the floor. I had a feeling that it wasn't okay. Ellie isn't one to forgive so easily. I notice Tayce looks like she has something on her mind. She probably does. I wonder what. Apparently, I don't have to wait long.

"Ellie, if I may ask, what was the nightmare about?" Tayce asked. I was wondering that too. Ellie's eyes went wide and she whimpered quietly, her lips were trembling. Tia had a nightmare today too. I wonder if the nightmares were similar. Whenever Ellie gets beat up, Tia gets bullied..

"Nightmare about getting beat up again..." Ellie murmured. Tia and Tayce nod. Lawrence looks sad. Awhora looks shocked, and I don't blame her. Bimini looks upset too. I'm left with a shocked face, and a really big question keeps circling around in my mind.

Who was doing this to Ellie?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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