Chapter Two: Ellie's Problem

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TW: Mentions of bullying
Awhora's POV:

Ellie is sobbing. Tia is sleeping. I'm surprised Ellie hasn't woken her up. She's sobbing really loud. Ellie's gonna wake up Tia if she keeps this up. I go over to Ellie, Veronica has Tia, so she'll be fine. I'm being protective of her.

Tia and I didn't get along at first. I made fun of the way she dressed. She thought I was mean. I was pretty mean to her. She was always nice to me, even when I was horrible to her. I like that about her. She's always kind to people.

We had to work together on a project, and something shifted. I learned that Tia was really sweet, and really nice. She had an air about her that made me feel at ease. It was then that I realized not to judge people because of the way they dressed.

I started being kinder to Tia and we've been good friends ever since. To hear that someone was bullying her now made me furious. I wanted the person who did this to her to stop. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. I notice Tia looking up at me.

"What's wrong with Ellie? Why is she crying?" Tia muttered. She's fiddling with her bow. I look over at Ellie. Tayce is trying to comfort her. I like that about Tayce. She always tries to cheer people up whenever they were sad. I place my hand on Tia's knee, sighing quietly.

"Rora? Ronnie?" Tia's head is tilted. She suddenly gets up and then walks over to Ellie. I go over to Ellie too. I notice bruises on her body. Ellie has bruises, but why? What happened to her? Tia seems to have the same question, and she tilts Ellie's head to look at her.

"What's wrong, Ell Bell?" Ti Ti is quiet. She doesn't wanna scare Ellie. I don't blame her. Ellie seems scared. More scared than Tia was. I didn't think that such a thing was even possible, but Ellie was proving me wrong. Someone has to cheer her up.

"Ellie?" Tia mumbled. Her head is tilted. She looks sad. I don't want Ti Ti to be sad. When she's sad, it makes me sad. I don't like being sad and I know Tia doesn't like being sad either. Veronica comes over to us and sits beside Tia, hugging her.

"I got beat up, I don't like it." Ellie uttered. What the hell was she talking about? Tia looked at Ellie and asked what she was talking about. Ellie looked up and sniveled. Then she started sobbing again. She has so many bruises. She got beat up, didn't she? Ellie hiccups again.

"W-What happened, again?" Tia must not have heard. I snivel, Ell Bell has to tell her again and I don't think Ellie wants to say it again but Tia didn't hear her so she has to say it again, I sigh quietly to myself. Ellie sighs quietly too.

"Beat up," Ellie chokes. Someone beat her up. I feel something start boiling inside me. That something is anger. Was the person or people that beat up Ellie the same person or people that locked Tia in her locker? No matter who did what, both actions are inexcusable. I sigh.

"Who did this to you? Did you see them? And Tia, did you see who locked you up?" Tayce started before I could even blink. Tia and Ellie both shake their heads "no" and I frown. We have nothing to go off of. Veronica hugs Tia close. Tia is on the verge of tears.

"Why... Why did you get beat up?" Tia whimpers quietly. Ellie shrugs. She doesn't know and I don't know either and I hate uncertainty and I don't want to be uncertain, I don't like feeling uncertain because it means that I'm not sure and I like being sure and certain.

Ellie and Tia are screaming sobbing. I don't want them to be so sad. I want to cheer them up. Veronica doesn't know what to do. Neither does Lawrence, or Tayce or Bimini, or me. I don't know what to do but I want them all to be happy again.

"Ell Bell..." Tia whimpers, holding her arms out for Ellie. Ellie hugs Tia and Tia hugs Ellie. They're both sobbing. I wish they weren't. I don't like it when they cry. It means they're sad and I don't want them to be sad. Who did this?

Tia seems even sadder than before. I want her to cheer up. I want Tia to cheer up and I want Ellie to cheer up and I want someone to get them calm and I wish Ellie didn't have so many bruises, they look like they're really hurting her.

Veronica suddenly gets an idea. She pulls Tia aside before settling her in her lap. Tia is confused. I don't blame her. Veronica smirks playfully and starts tickling Tia. The two of them laugh and Tia wiggles around to try and get away. I start laughing too. So does Ellie.

"R-Ronnie! Quit it!" Tia giggles. I'm happy that she's smiling again. Ronnie chuckles, but does what Tia asks before hugging her tight, smoothing her hair out of her face. Tia cuddles up to Veronica with a wide grin on her face. I chuckle. She's being clingy with Veronica today.

"Now do you feel better?" Veronica spoke as Tia fidgeted with her hair. Tia happily swayed her legs and Ellie chuckled. I smile too. This is nice. Everyone is happy. I like it that everyone is happy now, that makes me happy. Being happy is a lot nicer than being sad.

"Much better, thanks to you, Ronnie." Tia spoke as she snuggled up to Veronica, grinning and laying her head against Veronica's chest. She's listening to her heartbeat again, isn't she? Ellie is hugging Lawrence's arm tightly. I lean my head on Tayce's shoulder.

For right now, everything is okay.

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