Movie night (kenma) [start is slight angst the rest is fluff]

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It was a friday after school, kenma was at practice and you waited in the gym for him to be done. He promised to hang out tonight because you guys hadn't really had time together recently, practice was almost done for the night and they were just cleaning up now so you began to walk out the gym to wait for kenma...30 hour and a half. You waited for him for an hour and a half before he finally walked out "what took you so long? I thought you guys had already finished." Kenma was looking down at his switch not making eye contact with you "oh uh..i had to do something" he was clearly not even paying attention. You both began to walk home and when you got to your house you invited Kenma inside because he SAID you would hangout tonight. He didn't even notice you invited him inside and Kenma just started walking away "uhh..where are you going.?" Kenma finally looked up at his switch and just said "I was walking home..? Why?" you were very confused and slightly angry "well you said we would hang promised me." Kenma just looked at you with a blank face and sighed "Well I have to get home early tonight because I have to study for the quiz monday..sorry?" you sighed and just walked into your house and closed the door without responding. Later that night you tried to text him but he didn't respond, you didn't see him all weekend and you didn't even talk to each other. The next week went on normally except on friday kenma wasn't at school, you asked kuroo and he said that kenma skipped school for an unknown reason. You went on through the day worried about kenma. Was he ok? Was he mad at you? Is he hurt? You walked home by yourself and when you went to your house the door was slowly opened the door being slightly scared because you could swear you locked it when you left, you walked in, took your shoes off and put your bag by the door. Then you heard some noise come from the living room, you slowly peaked your head in and there he was. Kenma, on your couch with his switch connected to your tv, there were blankets, pillows, snacks, and a couple movies laid out on the coffee table. Kenma turned around and looked at you "surprise." he said with a blank face and a monotone voice. He paused his game and got up to hug you "sorry I've been busy...we can hang out all weekend tho now." you smiled very happily and nodded. You both spent the night playing games, watching movies and just having a nice time, kenma looked at the clock '12:26' then he looked back at you. You were laying your head in his lap and were asleep, he put a blanket over you and brushed some hair out of your face. "..cute" he said softly, then that's when he realized

...he loved you. Truly, he was IN love with you. He sat there and thought for a little bit before he just turned off the tv and fell asleep.

The end

A/n: sorry its kinda short lmao 

(545 words)

Haikyuu!!  headcanons and scenarios :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora