akaashi x reader (fluff)

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 You woke up in your bed feeling groggy and with a slight stuffy nose 'damn allergies' you thought to yourself. You slowly got out of bed and were about to start doing your morning routine when you heard a faint sizzling coming from the kitchen. You walked down that hall and into your kitchen to find your loving and (hot) adoring boyfriend cooking you a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, blueberries, eggs, bacon, and a nice warm cup of coffee/tea. Akaashi turned around and smiled at you "oh hey you're awake" he said softly "i didn't know what you wanted for breakfast so i made a lot, i hope you don't mind" you heart pounded and smiled softly at him "oh i don't mind at all, i really appreciate it actually" akaashi turned back around and continued cooking. You took a seat at the table and started sipping your coffee and browsing your phone, a few minutes later akaashi put a plate of fluffy pancakes and a lot of other stuff down in front of you. You turned off your phone and placed it beside you and were about to begin eating but noticed akaashi hadn't sat down yet "keiji, are you not gonna eat with me?" you asked him "oh no, i'm not very hungry and i need to clean up the kitchen" he then smiled at you softly and walked over to you and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead "you enjoy darling, you deserve it"

'How was I able to get such a great man?' you thought to yourself. Soon after breakfast you went to go shower and get ready for the day and when you walked into the bathroom there was a fresh towel hanging on the rack, all of your soaps and shampoos had been organized and you could tell the bathroom had just been cleaned. 'Did he do this all for me?' you thought to yourself. After you finished your shower and were done getting dressed you walked out and saw akaashi sitting on the couch with his reading glasses and a book that he had been interested in recently "oh hey love, you look very nice" he said to you in a loving tone. He stood up and grabbed his shoes and started putting them on "uhh keiji what are you doing? Do we have plans or something? Akaashi looked back at you "no i just wanted to take you out somewhere because you've been overworking yourself recently and you need a break" "Oh uhm thanks.." You put on your shoes and began walking to your car and while you were half way there akaashi grabbed you hand and smiled at you and just kept walking "i love you" he said bluntly and then you both just walked in silence the rest of the way. You walked over to the car but akaashi got to the door first and opened it for you, you smiled at him "thank you keiji" akaashi smiled back "no problem love" akaashi sat in the driver's seat, turned on the car, and handed you the aux "you can choose the music this time" (akaashi had bought you spotify premium as a gift) he said as he began to reverse out of the parking spot and started driving. You decided to pick some nice calm lofi and just when you thought things coulded get better, the clouds got dark and it began raining, not a heavy rain but a nice good paced rain. You both drove in silence hearing not but the raindrops fall against the car and the soothing lofi, after a little bit of driving akaashi placed his hand on top of yours and rubbed his thumb back and forth on your hand as he just kept looking forward to the road ahead. After a bit more driving you bth arrived at a local coffee shop, it was never really busy inside expect for a couple people every now and then (you two are regular customers) "oh hey guys welcome in'' the shop owner greeted you as you both walked to the back of the shop where you regular booth was. You both sat down and started chatting when the shop cat jumped on your table and started purring "oh hello misty" akaashi said to the small cat as he started petting her gently. You both talked a bit more when the barista walked over to you and began taking your order "a warm chai latte for me" akaashi said "oh uhm a *coffee or tea order* please" the barista nodded and went to go make your drinks. Akaashi stood up and asked if you wanted anything from the baked goods section of the shop "oh no thanks" you responded, akaashi nodded and walked off. A couple minutes later he comes back with a blueberry muffin and a chocolate croissant "here you can chose which one you want" he said "oh i-" "i know you said you didn't want anything but i still wanted to get you something because i love you" he said "oh thanks" you smiled at him and then grabbed *whichever one you wanted idk* akaashi sat back down just as the barista came back with your drinks and placed them on the table. You both thanked the barista and grabbed your drinks, you both spent most of the day there for 2 reasons. The rain got heavier and didnt stop, and you just enjoyed each other's company. After a while you both finished your drinks and threw away the cups and left. While you both were about to walk out akaashi stopped you and grabbed you hand, he reached into his bag and pulled out a black umbrella "here" he said as you both walked out. The entire time you both walked to your car he held the umbrella while you had your hand over his, you both got back in the car and drove home and continued your lofi playlist. Half way home akaashi grabbed you hand and kissed the top of your hand " i love you" he said "i love you too keiji" akaashi looked at you for a second then back at the road "no like i really love you, you have improved my life so much and i appreciate you so much, i honestly couldnt ask for more" after you both arrived home akaashi went began a warm shower for you, you walked into the bathroom and said "why do you do all this for me?" akaashi looked at you, "well because i love you" you smiled "i love you too" you said as akaashi walked out of the bathroom. After your shower you could hear the tv in your room playing as you brushed your teeth, you walked out and saw akaashi changing his shirt and you blushed slightly "oh hey, have a nice shower?" he asked you and he turned around with no shirt "yeah i did thanks" akaashi smiled "good i'm glad" he said as he put a clean shirt and you both got into bed, akaashi turned of the lamp and the tv and pulled you into his chest, and kissed your forehead "good night love, sweet dreams darling" he said then he gently kissed you on the lips as you both fell asleep in each others arms


a/n: idk but i made my friends feel lonely  while she read this lmao

Haikyuu!!  headcanons and scenarios :)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora