Meet the Choir

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autor's note: You absolutely can skip this. you watched the musical, you know the characters. it's just how i see the characters and some of my headcanons. Some of it might come up later and some of it probably won't. I don't vibe with critic but you might kindly disagree with anything here in the comments if you really want to. Also this chapter probably will be updated when  I will get more ideas about them

Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg
born December 22nd
Capricorn ♑
The ambitious nature
Favourite Ride: The bumper cars
-she doesn't trust cheese sandwiches
-Dog person
- obsessed with To Do lists, she really finds them helpful but has trouble wrapping her head around the fact that they don't help everyone.
- likes to have everything planned, even what to say when she's about to make an important call, she will get stressed when the other person asks something that she didn't think of
- even tho she likes everything scripted, she is good at improvising
- good team leader
- would be a cheer captain if only their school had a team ( a/n: it's Catholic school, I went to one, they are obsessed with dress code and i can imagine they would find cheer outfits inappropriate and too revealing)
- can lie about anything. she rarely lies, but it's handy during school elections
-she doesn't trust any cookies or cakes she finds at home. Especially if it's homemade
-Good at sports
-she's the most convinced Ricky is just sweet innocent kid

Noel Gruber
Born March 5th
Pisces ♓
Sign of Passion
Favourite ride: well... uh.. let's say it's Ferris wheel
-He would love to become a drag queen and he would go by Monique Gibeau
-his first kiss was during the rehearsals for school production of Phantom of the Opera. He wanted to play the Phantom but got Raul instead, and ofc the kiss was with actress playing Christine (I think it would be extra funny if Ocean played Christine). Unfortunately the show got canceled because some parents found it inappropriate (again. small christian school)
-Noel is incredibly talented dancer. He can do a bit of ballet, he taught himself basics of ballroom dancing and is  very good at tap dancing. He practices burlesque moves whenever he is alone.
- he has crush on Mischa (of course)
-he pains his nails black (or really deep dark red) and gets in trouble for it at school regularly
- he is the only OPENLY gay boy in town, not the only queer, he knows almost every closeted person and support them as much as he can, but he would never out anyone.
- He and Ricky send each other cute cat pictures all the time. Noel loves Ricky's cat's.
-He got bullied a lot as a kid and still gets weird looks from the boys in the locker room.
- He sews costumes. He sews costumes for school plays but he also sew stuff for himself. He keeps it deep deep in his closet. He mastered the art of sewing tear-away clothes.
-He can style hair and wigs. Ocean is his regular client, Constance sometimes get braids from Noel.
- Great at make up. he sneaky wears a bit of eyeliner and mascara to school.
- fluent in French
- he needs glasses to read, but refuses to wear them at school.
- he introduced Mischa to RuPaul's Drag Race
- he wears fake pearls under school uniform
-the biggest fan of vintage movies, especially French ones. He also loves a good musical.
- he has lot's of plants in his room
-is employee of the month every month
- drinks juice from champagne and wine glasses
-Drinks black coffee even tho he prefers it sweet and milky
-he writes a lot of poems and short stories but doesn't let anyone read it

Mischa Bachinski
Born August 18th
Leo ♌
Sign of Aggression
Favourite Ride: Beer garden
-Bisexual (you can't change my mind about it)
-He might struggle a bit with flirting in English, but is extra smooth in Ukrainian. some phrases just don't work when translated literally.
-Besties with Constance
- he has semi professional recording set up in his basement. Stolen.
-he writes cheat sheets in Cyrillic so even when he gets caught teachers can't really prove it is for cheating so sometimes they let it slide.
-He was supposed to play Joseph Bouquet in POTO
- good at card tricks and close up magic
- He tries to include Ricky in whatever the group is doing.
- He is the only person (or at least used to be) that Ricky is comfortable sharing his dirty jokes with, and of course Mischa always answers with dirtier jokes.
- He is confused a bit about his feelings to Noel
- he is actually good at handpoke tattoos
- he is good at darts
- multilingual. he picks up languages really fast, despite this fact he struggles with sigh language as much as every other kid (A/N:he can speak Polish. this one is just for myself. I just want him to know Polish. Slavic languages are quite similar, to the point we can sort of understand each other without knowing the other languages, but i Imagine with Mischa's talent to learn fast i think it is logical for him to know most slavic languages. He might sometimes mix them up on accident but it happens to all of us)
- He speaks with Noel in French whenever they need to talk about something privately but can't go anywhere private. It annoys the heck out of Ocean.
- He spends a lot of time with Constance, especially after school. Her parents really like him.
- He owns several fake ID's
- his ears are pierced, but he hardly ever wears earrings.
-likes marvel movies so he and Ricky sometimes talk about them
- He can't stand Canadian chocolate. European chocolate is superior
- he almost started screaming when Ricky brought to school his new vintage uranium glass, that Constance got him, fortunately they managed to quickly explain to him that uranium glass is safe to collect.
-he will probably punch you if you ask him if he's from Russia
- his mom taught him how to make flower crowns. he can do them without a thread, but with thread it's easier so in the spring and summer he will always have a thread in his pocket just in case he would find some pretty flowers
- he isn't bad at math, he just don't get all the terminology in English

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