5. Headless

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And while Ocean and Constance tell the authorities, what they need to know, and Mischa, Noel and Ricky search for a missing head, far far away floating above the ground, the spirit of a girl without her head watches over the living members of the choir.

She cannot hear them, but she watches them with her blank doll eyes. She remembers it now. The first time she was dead, with them in Karnak's limbo, and now she is dead again. She doesn't remember her deaths, nor her life. And though she cannot hear any of her "friends", she knows exactly what they are doing. They are helping her.

She now understand what Karnak did back there. He lied about his ability to bring back only one, but he had a reason. He didn't know how many people is he able to bring back at once. He tried his best, knowing, it would come with a cost. A prize, that someone else will pay, not him. He is just a machine.

Jane payed that price. Yes, she was chosen to get a chance to live again. But also the chance to die again.

This time it's different. She doesn't have a chance to live again anymore. But there is a chance she can have memories of her life back. And that would be enough.

At least she thinks it would be. She hopes, that her life wasn't terrible. But what is better? The knowledge of all the terrible things in life, or not knowing anything and have no closure?

The time passes so differently here.

Will she stay here, bound to Earth forever, even when she gets her memories back? Or could she go away? Could she choose to either stay here or go somewhere else?

You would think you would know all the answers when you die.

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