2. Mission

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A few minutes has passed since Penny's body dropped, splashing blood all around.

The fair ground has been evacuated. There are police tapes all around the cyclone. The choir saw them putting the body in a bag. They are still looking for her head.

5 teenagers sit on a bench near the fair ground in silence.

"We have to tell someone" finally said Ocean.

"And what are we gonna tell them? That we knew it would happen? That we knew, because we died with her?"
snapped Noel.

"I think" Started Constance carefully.

"I think we have to find her head, you know, so she can have her memories"

"How? The Fair is closed and taped. There's no way we can go there and search. Besides, her head can be anywhere, there's no way we would find it. Even police couldn't" said Noel, a bit angrily.

"We should at least tell the Police her name" Said Mischa. The group just now realised he's been making a flower crown from daisies he found nearby

Ricky tapped the pavement with his cane to get the choir's attention. Then, knowing that no one knows enough of sign language to understand what he has to say, once again opened Notes app on his phone to type the message.

"I saw in which direction her head went. I believe it's not on the fair ground, that's why they couldn't find it"

The group red the screen.

When Ricky saw that all of them finished reading, they deleted the whole thing and typed:

"I think Penny's head landed in the forest"

he pointed his finger to the forest nearby. "There" He signed.

"We shall go and search!" Mischa immediately stood up, ready to go.

"Guys, I don't think i want to see anymore gore today. My stomach already doesn't feel well" Said Constance.

"Okay" Started Ocean. " I too don't want to see her head somewhere in the forest. What we should do, is tell them her name, because it appears we and Father Marcus are the only ones who know who she is. Speaking of Father Marcus. Let's maybe... I don't know.. send someone to look after him. Because he is supposed to die in a bit over 6 hours. We let, I let her die again, maybe I could at least save one life. We should split. More sensitive people are going with me to talk to authorities. People who can handle it, you go with Mischa. I will call Ms. Thompson to check on Father Marcus"

"That is great idea. Who is joining me?" Asked Mischa enthusiastically. Yes, the death of Penny is sad but how often you get to search the forest for missing human head?

"Me" answers Noel.

"I am going with Ocean" Said Constance, standing up.

"Ricky?" Asked Ocean.

They thought about it. He knows the general direction the head went, so he should go with the boys, but he wasn't sure about walking on rough terrain.

They finally typed something on their phone and showed the screen to Mischa.

"Could you carry me if my legs stop working?"

"Sure, no problem" the boy said.

The choir split up and went on their separate missions.

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