7. Feelings

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The more Constance thought about what happened the more questions she had.

Her parents heard about what happened at the fair and started asking her about everything as soon as she stepped through the doorway.

Constance honestly felt better after telling them (almost) everything. Less guilty too. Telling the (almost) whole story out loud made her realise, that there really wasn't much they could do to prevent Penny's Death.

Her parents even proposed the idea of a sleepover, of course on the weekend, because the kids still need to go to school, to take their mind off of tragedy. Yes, Sleepover sounded like a good idea. Constance could bake cupcakes and they could order some pizza and chill, maybe watch some movies.

Ocean was exhausted physically and mentally. So much walking, talking, lying or rather not telling the whole truth to the authorities, thinking, questioning reality.

As soon as she arrived home, she took a shower and went to bed, not bothering to wait for a dinner. She fell asleep almost immediately.

Noel was now less angry and more confused about stuff. Finding Penny's head, as terrifying as it was, brought him peace. Talking with Mischa helped him relax a bit too, but it also made him think more about his crush.

Yes, Penny died today and Noel is thinking about romance. He had crush on the Ukrainian boy for a while now, but they got really close in the afterlife. Literally too. Thinking about Mischa's hands caressing his body made Noel feel lots of different things. Positively.

But Mischa is engaged. To a girl. Noel would know if Misha wasn't straight, he had a gaydar. Or maybe? Noel started looking through his memories of Mischa. Maybe he missed some clues? Or maybe Noel is just delusional and Mischa is really just supportive straight man?

Ricky managed to finally gather enough energy for a trip to the bathroom. He even took a bath, as he should after sitting on the ground in a forest. They thanked gods for Mischa.

"I already miss her" They thought, refering to Penny. Before, he was best friends with Mischa, because he always cared about Ricky and made sure they are included in everything, which was nice. But then Penny showed up and Ricky thought they would get along. She was so friendly towards everyone, including Ricky.

"How exactly did we all forget about her when we died? Did Karnak just erased our memories of her for the sake of plot? Or so we couldn't tell her who she is? Which also counts as plot's sake, right?" Now all Ricky has left after her is the lion keychain.

Mischa thanked gods, that he isn't allergic to cats. He once again debated with himself, should he message Talia and tell her about everything?

Probably not, she would think he is crazy. Talia... Karnak said he knew "the future that could be". Is Mischa now living in this "could be" timeline.
Noel said it would be better to not know.

"Noel..." Mischa thought. He got really close to that boy in Karnak's limbo. Super close in fact. 'passionately touching, kissing and smacking his ass' kind of close.

"Noel looked kinda... kinda good in that dress and that wig... No. Not like that! well... maybe?" Mischa never questioned his sexuality, he never felt need to do so. Until now.

The kiss between the two of them felt good too. It wasn't a friendly type of kiss, it was filled with passion. Was this passion real, or only scripted into the performance? Yes, Penny died today and Mischa is thinking about kissing his friend.

(author's note: wee! Sleepover chapter on the horizon, can't wait for that. I wonder how's Father Marcus....)

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