Chapter 7❤️‍🔥

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~ the party~
*You walk out*

Girls: Oooo.

Y/n: Oh stop. You girls look stunning! Let's head down!

*You and the girls head down and everyone stops to look at you guys*

Steve: Sharon you look beautiful.
*He takes her hand as she comes down the stairs*

Vision: My darling Wanda look at you wow!

*Me and Nat link arms as you are both single so but don't need no man!*

Sam: Nat you look... cute.

Nat: Cute?

Y/n: He's flirting with you Nat, go on.

Nat: Are you sure?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine I'm going to get to know everything.

*You speak with almost everyone at the party, they all seem to like you all except one person... Bucky*

Y/n: What a great story Thor! I'd love for you to show me Asgard one day!

Thor: And I shall do just that my lady.

*He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles, you blush and look over to your left, standing there is Bucky who's just glaring at you... he almost seems jealous?*

Thor: Hey Cap try this Asgardian drink it's very strong.

Steve: Well I'll decide that.

Y/n: Can I try too!?

Thor: I don't know lady Y/n I don't think you'll be able to handle it.

Y/n: Please I've drank a lot worse.

*You and Steve take the drink and surprisingly you had no reaction*

Y/n: Another!!

Thor: Yeah... no you're not having another my love.

Y/n: What a buzzkill I'm heading to the bar!

Y/n: Nat Hey!

Nat: Hey girl, how's tonight treating you?

Y/n: Good I need a shot maybe 4 you know what make that 5.

Nat: Are you sure?

Y/n: Yup please.

Nat: Okay!

*You get too drunk*

Nat: That's enough Y/n this is your last one!

Y/n: Fine fine.

Bucky: beer please Nat.

Nat: Coming up.

Y/n: Hmm Bucky hey.

Bucky: What..?

Y/n: dance with me boo!

Bucky: Are you drunk? Is she drunk?

Nat: Yes she is!

Bucky: God Y/n I don't wanna dance with you go to sleep.

Y/n: Ahh come one boo just one dance! Don't be such a buzz kill you know you wanna dance!

*you're begging and begging and you try to drag his arm to the dance floor but he pulls away which makes you spill your drink on his shirt*

Bucky: God Y/n what is wrong with you?

Y/n: I didn't mean to. I'm sorry here let me help you.

Bucky: Get off me! You're so annoying god no wonder your parents didn't want you!

Y/n: What?

Bucky: Steve said you lived with your uncle so what your parents just left you I can see why, all you want is people to like you, you're clingy and crave people to like. I'd run away any chance I get if I lived with you. You're nothing but a lonely b*tch.

*You take a step back, the alcohol is really starting show as you stumble a few times*

Y/n: F*ck you Barnes.

Bucky: Don't f*cking speak to me like that.

Y/n: F*ck you, who are you to tell me that I'm lonely? Huh? You push people away Barnes you're the one who's lonely inside you're the one no one wants to be around because you are horrible Bucky that's why people don't speak to you!

*He grabs you by he neck*

Bucky: Don't you f*cking dare speak to my like that who do you think you are?

*You freeze for a second and then slap him so hard the sound of the slap echoed the room and everyone looked towards you both, you storm out*

Nat: What the hell was that Barnes!?

Bucky: I snapped...

Nat: Oh did you? *she says sarcastically*

*Bucky follows up you up to your room*

Y/n: I'm not in the mood for a round 2 Barnes p*ss off.

Bucky: Y/n I-

Y/n: What? You're sorry? That's bullsh*t you say you're sorry but then you do it again? And for what? What have I ever done to you? We hardly know each other and you treat me like crap!

Bucky: I know and I'm a douche but I just don't do well with other people.

Y/n: I can tell but seriously why did you speak to me that way just now I mean it came out of nowhere dude.

Bucky: I don't know and I'm sorry what I said about your parents what the hell do I know?

Y/n: Nothing you know nothing.

Bucky: I'm sorry.

Y/n: I'm sorry too. Like I said before DON'T make it a habit!

Bucky: I won't ever speak to you like that I promise!

Y/n: Okay now get out you're giving me a headache.

Bucky: Oh I'm giving you a headache? My cheek is red because you slapped me!

Y/n: Hey you punched me in the ribs didn't see me whining about it.

Bucky: Okay fair...

Y/n: Well you can go now

Bucky: Goodnight Y/n.

Y/n: Goodnight but this doesn't make us friends, you gotta earn that title.

Bucky: Dually noted.

A/n: they made up pretty quick but that's only the beginning of their friendship/relationship god knows what it is!

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