red among blue.

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It's pitiful a sight, to see how quickly this society is to judge one who abstains from their version of normal. It's pathetic even, to scowl at the ability and courage someone has to show themselves fully. Half of them are filled to the brim with cowardice, the sheer inability to try something out of their norm due to unprocessed fear.

And to your unwise hope, I'm unwilling to apologize for how I showed up. I have a high lack of care for your existence and your words (although they may sting) are just as worthless as the letter from a lover I have since burned. Unfortunately, for you, your little gamble of being unwise doesnt help you in the slightest.

But of course, give the glances and laugh. Your daftness is not amusing or comedic, when your maturity is obvious about plenty of it. 

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