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(If you haven't read desc go read it)

I was never really worried about anyone else, apart from my co-workers.
I was usually seen as an outcast because of the fact that i'm not only an imp, but also a succubus. But, I'm pretty thankful for that part, as people think I look beautiful! least that's what I think..
But, my hair does kind of guide my looks, my long eyelashes were my most noticeable feature anyways!

Anyway, today was meeting day. Well, just like everyday! Except, Blitzo had gotten into another argument. When we pulled up to the parking lot, some fancy car was in our RESERVED parking lot! Blitzo told all of us to stay in the car while he went out to confront them. I saw a figure in the car, and then she started moving. The woman came outside, and my jaw dropped! She was one of the most beautiful demons I've ever saw! And, I'm pretty sure she looks like a pop star I had seen on hellevision before. She came out and argued with Blitzo back, but in between, I'm pretty sure I seen her wink at me. After all of that, she still didn't give up the parking lot, so we just found another one. 

"Stupid fuckin' exes!" Blitzo screamed.
Millie immediately gasped.."BOSS!! OH MA GAWHD, YOU DATED A POPSTAR?!"
Moxxie goes..."I mean...Is she blind?! suffering some form a brain damage.."
Instead of talking about their relationship, Blitzo instead immediately turned to me. "Don't fall for her tricks, I saw her winking at you Y/N! She's just taunting you, she acts like you're the most special girl in the world, then she leaves you in the dirt! Nothing more to expect from a Succubus"

UHM, ouch! That totally hurt man! I was surprised Moxxie didn't go, "Sir, you know that y/n is a succubus..right?" But I stayed quiet, there was nothing I could say anyway. I just sat there, thinking of the woman from the parking lot the entire meeting.

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