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Angel POV
I stare at the Hazbin Hotel. "Angel, baby. What's on your mind?" Valentino asks, putting his hand on my inner thigh. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him.

"I feel more safe when I'm by Princess Charlie's hotel. Why?"

"Dêja vu?"

"Maybe.." I look back at the Hotel. Why do I feel so drawn to it?
Alastor POV:
"Al, it's been three weeks. Please come out of your room." Charlie begs from the other side of my shared room.

I never redid our- my room.

I stare at the pink side of the bedroom. The white and pink vanity.

I stare at the photos on the wall. Particularly mine and Angel's engagement photo.

I squeeze the ringed necklace around my neck, then look down at it.

One pink ring, one red ring.

Promise Rings.

"Babe?" Angel taps my shoulder. "Yes, Angel?"

"I have a gift for ya." He takes out a red ring with a black spider symbol. "A Promise Ring.. Angel, where did you- these are incredibly hard to find."

"I know a girl." He says with a smile. "Here." He takes my hand and puts the ring on my ring finger. It magically fits.

"I have one for myself, too." He holds a pink ring with a black deer head on it, then he puts it on his ring finger.

"Now we make a promise." I say with a smile. Angel nods.

"Alastor Nicholas LeBlanc/Anthony Lorenzo Ragini. I promise to forever be by your side. In your darkest hours, I will be your light. In your hardest times. I will your solution. I herby bound myself to you. With compassion, care, hope, and love. I give you my promise. My honor. My soul, to our undivided love. I love you, Angel/Alastor."

As soon as we finished, our rings start glowing, then they stopped.

"I love you, Angel."

"I love ya more, Alastor."

I wipe my tears from my eyes. "Al, can we come in?" Husk asks. I get up and open the door slightly, seeing nifty and husk. "Come in.." I softly say.
Husk POV:
"Come in.." he softly says. His voice quiet and lackin' the static it usually has. "Miss Angel must've meant a lot to you." "He certainly does mean a lot to me." Alastor sits down on his and Angel's bed. "Ya need to move on."

"ŇØ!" Alastor screams.

Me and Nifty stay silent.

"I- if he were dead(again), his ring would become Grey. It's still pink. His soul is still tethered to this ring and I."

"You two have promise rings!?" Nifty yelps.

Alastor nods.

Anthony, ya got yourself a keeper.

"Well, if that's true, then why hasn't he come back?"

"Maybe something or someone is forcing him to leave?"

"ANGEL!" Charlie yells in excitement from downstairs. Alastors ears go straight up as he teleports downstairs. Me and Nifty dash down to see Angel.

With Valentino.

"Uhm.. Hi, I've been lookin' for my pig for about three weeks now, and it says on his tracker that he's here?" Vaggie looks at him. "Here." She hands him Fat Nuggets.
Alastor POV:
"Thank you." Angel softly ays, holding his pig.

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