Redemption works?

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Alastor POV:
It's been a year. A year since Angel went to heaven. A year since he left me. A year since he left the hotel. Without a choice, of course.

I haven't left our room in months. I hold one of Angel's sweaters and sniff it. Smelling his Vanilla scent, and my God it's amazing.

"I miss you, Angel." I softly say as I lay down. I can't get over him. I just can't. I miss him too much..
Angel's POV:
I sit on my new bed, staring at the ceiling. I hold the last things Alastor gave me. Photos of us and his coat. I keep the coat around me as I stare at the photos of us and the hazbin Hotel crew. I smile with teary eyes.

"I miss you, Al." Tomorrow is extermination day and I'm an exterminator, I might see Alastor too! I hope he recognizes me since I look how I was before I died.

I put the photo under my pillow, keep alastors coat close to me, and fall asleep.
*time skip brought to you by Fat Nuggets*
I wake up and check the time, it's officially extermination day. My only day to see Alastor and the others!

I grab my spear(to make it seem like I'll actually kill demons. As if.) And I fly down to hell. I see the hotel already, but the barrier is starting to form. I immediately fly there fast enough and the barrier closes with me in it.

"CHARLIE! AN ANGEL GOT INSIDE!!" Husk yells. He looks way more dead then he used to be.

"Wait, slow down. It's me, Angel!" Charlie stares at me, speechless. Vaggies jaw is wide open. Husk is staring at me like I'm naked. And Nifty is starting to cry.

"Where's Alastor? Is he okay?" I ask softly. "ALASTOR, GET OUT OF THAT FUCKIN' ROOM AND COME SEE YOUR HUSBAND!!" Husk screams. And just like that, Alastor is in front of me.

He looks like a mess..

"Angel?.." he softly says. I nod. Suddenly, I feel his arms around me, keeping my body close to his.

"Your an Angel now.." he mutters before he kisses my cheek. "It's not that fun without any of ya guys.." I reply, my eyes already tearin' up.
Alastor POV:
"I don't wanna go back, I don't wanna leave ya all again!" Angel cries as he holds onto me. "I- its okay, maybe if you do a sin, they'll return you here.."

Angel looks up at me. "Where's my drug stash?" "In our room, closet second shelf."

"You have a drug stash?" Vaggie questions. "In case of emergency." Angel says and he flies off, then comes back with his drugs.

"Don't take too man-" I say but I stop talking as he downs the whole bag of edibles. "Jesus christ, Angel." At least five seconds later. His eyes are bloodshot red.

His wings slowly start to crumble and crush. Bones cracking and blood seeping out.

His halo shatters into pieces like glass.

His eyes widen before screaming in pain as he collapses to his knees, sobbing and screaming.

I rush to him and try my best to distract him from the pain.

"IT HURTS!! IT HURTS SO FUCKIN' BAD!!" He screams, the blood staining his white suit. Never seen him in masculine attire.

"A- Angel, it's okay! It's gonna be oka-" "FUCK!! OH FUCK!! GOD FUCKIN' DAMN IT! IT HURTS SO BAD! MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP!!" Angel cuts Charlie off with his screams. Soon, he stops screaming and crying. His eyes close and he becomes a shadow.

His old wings are on the floor, bones broken, blood flowing out.

"Angel?.." I softly say. "He needs his demon body! Al, where is his body?!"

"I- I put his body in Hells forest." I immediately teleport his body here.

I gently place Angel's shadow form into his demon body, he gently goes into the demon body.

The color of his fur becomes snow white again.

His pink marks, pink like cotton candy.

His breathing returns.

His eyes open. Those beautiful mis-matched eyes.

"A- Al?.." he softly says. I start to cry as I hold him. He hugs me back.

"Your finally back.. my beautiful Angel...

Your finally home again."

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