Chapter 4 ☁️

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"Listen up, everyone! Let's gather around the reading rug." You announce while walking towards the rocking chair in front of the rug.  It's been an enjoyable first day so far. Hirio is the leader of the mischief. Kai is a shy follower but will say no when he doesn't want to do something, and Eri is still trying to find her place among the boys. You hope you can get another girl in the class to help her.

"We'll read the story called the Three Little Pigs." You showed them the book cover while they got seated on the rug.

"Ms. Y/n, I got a question." Hirio shoots his hand in the air waving it around his head.

"Yes, Hirio?"

"What is this book about?" He huffed.

"Well, why don't we read it to find out." You say with a smile. "Let's make story time more interesting." You sat the book in your lap and activated your quirk. You made three cartoon pig heads floating out of golden sand.

"WHOA!" The class said in sync

"Ms. Y-y/n, your quirk is beautiful," Kai spoke with amazement in his eyes, looking at the pigs floating in the air

"It's like pixie dust from Peter Pan." Eri squeals out

Chuckling at the kids' comments, you tell them about your quirk "I can't make people fly with my quirk like Tinkerbell, but the objects I create can float around." You made the pigs go in between the children, making them giggle. "I can also sprinkle my sand in your eyes; that can make you go into a deep slumber, depending on how much sand I use. I Inherited that from my grandfather, a Pro Hero in America." You made the piggies disappear in thin air.

"That's so cool, Ms. Y/n! Do you have a  weakness!? How do you make the sand appear in thin air, and it's gold!" Hiro stood up, shouting his questions at you. You can tell he was intrigued.

"Calm down, Hiro, deep breathes, remember." You took in a deep breath with him as he sat back down.

"To answer your questions, water is my weakness. When it's raining or if I'm swimming, I can't use my quirk. My hands need to have no water on them. For your next question, there are dust molecules all around us. Think of them as tiny little dust rabbits. I can use those dust rabbits and turn them into objects I desire. As for the color gold.. that's a secret " you locked your lips with your fingers.

"Wow, that's awesome! I hope my quirk can be as cool as yours one day." Hiri yells out.
"Y-yeah, m-me too!" Kai chimes in
"Ms. Y/n! Our quirks have the same color! When I use mine, it's gold too!" Eri says with excitement.

"That's wonderful, deary. That means your quirk is beautiful.  Always remember that ." You whispered to her. You know Eri is working on gaining confidence in her quirk, and you hope you can help her in any way you can.

"Are you'll ready for story time now?" They all had bright smiles on their faces. You lifted your hands and began illustrating the story with your quirk.

Not too far from the Leaning Center, Shota was taking his afternoon siesta in the teacher's lounge.
Class 2-A was doing rescue training with Midnight for the rest of the day. Which means he could catch up on much-needed sleep.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case...
His mind kept wandering back to you...Were you even interested in dating him... Should he get to know you as friends first? With all these thoughts swirling around in his mind, he didn't even notice Toshinori walking into the room.

"Hey there, Aizawa, how's it going," Toshi said with a bright smile and a small wave. He walked over to the counter to pour himself some water for his tea and sat across from Shota.

As You Wish Aizawa x Reader Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu