Jorah Mormont x stark!reader

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A/N: Guys, it is time for my second Jorah Story (He is my favorite one to write about). This time with a Stark. We will see. Hope ya enjoy it and have a great evening/day.

This Story sets in the 5th Season of Game of Thrones! Minor Spoilers ahead!

Warnings: minor spoilers of Season 5, fluff, mentions of sexual content (not necessarily in it)

Words: 719


She sighed. The heavy breath of the whore on her lap was warm and the only sound you could hear. The room was filled with complete silence.

The whore in her arms was asleep. She tried to put her down.

She was kind of heavy and she didn't want to wake her up.

She got out of bed and put her clothes on. Once again, she did it and regretted it. The hall was filled with laughter and some special sounds. At one Table at the end of the room, in the darkness of shadows, she could see a pair of blue eyes staring at her or at some point behind her. She didn't know it, it was too far. She couldn't move she was in a stare and captivated by the urgency that emanated from those eyes.

"Ann, we should go now. You had your fun long enough."

A deep voice behind her raised as she were in other dimensions.

"Chris, please tell me: Who is this man, down there in the dark corner?"

"Some People say he is a sailor or probably a widower. But in my opinion, he looks like a lost soldier. Have you seen the blazon on his belt? A bear. If you know the house from behind the sea you will know him."

"A Mormont."

"Yes, most of the male Mormonts are dead. Jeor Mormont died behind the wall. He doesn't seem so old. Probably his son. There are stories about him. He should have sold slaves and got banned by Eddard Stark so he had to leave."

"Chris I know the stories."

Chris smiled at her.

"I forgot, My Lady, you are a Westeron."

She smiled.

"We should go now."

She nodded and gave him a sign that she will follow him in a few seconds.

The man still stared at her. Once again, she felt like he was watching her.

She turned around as she felt a strange hand on her back. She let a little scream out.

"My Lady, I don't wanna scare you. You Probably know my name. An old friend of mine wanna see you."

A master of Meeren was behind her. An old customer. She nodded.

He pushed her right to the strange man.

"My Lord."

The Master curtsied and left.

"My Lady, I didn't wanna scare you."

"But you did."

"I know, and I am very sorry about that. Please take a seat."

She sat down, and her view flowed over him. His blond hair was tousled, and under his eyes, he had dark circles. He looked like he had less sleep in the last weeks.

"I saw you, and I just wanted to talk with you. My name is Ser Jorah Mormont. Please tell me what a Northern woman does here in Volantis?"

She looked puzzled.

"How does an old man like me know things like that? Very easy: I saw the blade of your sword as you put it back in its sheath. You are a Stark? aren't you?"

She nodded and looked down. With this gesture, she looked like a little child.

"I was born as a Stark and was raised as a Stark, but I was never a real Stark."

His eyes widened, and his grip around his beer tightened.

"You are the twin of Jon Snow."

She hadn't to say anything. He knew it.

"I sailed down to the east after the death of my father. I was hired as a mercenary. I was trained by the best soldiers in the north, so they took me. I got into a group of beginners, and we had the mission to stay alive and do what our customers wanted. We did everything. A few weeks ago I heard about the last Targaryen and that she wanted to get to the Iron Throne. I wanted to see her. We traveled to Volantis. So here we are."

He smiled.

"My Lady Stark, I think you've found a new companion."

He smiled a huge smile and his eyes sparkled.

"My friends won't appreciate you."

"They will I promise."

Both smiled a huge smile. For the first time in centuries, her eyes sparkled again. For the first time, she thought she got a friend. For the first time, she felt a new feeling, something out of friendship.

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