Tyrion Lannister x reader

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A/N: Guys, to be warned English is not my native Language so pls be kind too:) But I also hope you like and enjoy it.

This Story has nothing to do with the real Game of Thrones Storyline! It was just a scene in my head!

Warnings: fluff (I mean a lot of fluff), mentions of Blood

Word Count: 364


Blood was everywhere. Screams from thoose who got it that they lost a family member and other that got hurt.

„You were fantastic."

he said. She breathed heavily.


Her arm with the sword sank down. Blood ran out of her veins.

„How many have we lost?"

„Too many."

„Is she still alive?"

He nodded and her sword fall down. She was relieved. She took a look at him.

"Are you alright?"

He scanned down his body and nodded.


She kneeled down and couped his face in her hands. With a gently smile she put her lips on his. A little sigh left his mouth and he smiled.

"I missed that."

She smiled and brushed him through his hair. He smiled at his Girl. He saw that she got hurt. He saw the pain in her eyes and smelled the odor of blood near his nose. His mouth found his way to her forehead. He gave her a little kiss. The voice of the king summed around the battle field.

"We won but we lost too many. Take your time to say goodbye to thoose who you lost and find your friends and family."

As she got up she saw her sister running towards her. They literately fall into this hug.

"You look horrible."

Her sister said as they huged. She smiled and looked around to find her boyfriend.

"Where's Tyrion?"

"I dunno."

After a second her sister pointed to something. She turned her head towards it. She saw him and her father together talking. Tyrion took his way back to her and she raised both eyebrows. He kneeled infront of her.

"Isabella Evans. You are the most beautiful girl I ever dated. So let me ask you: Do you want to wake up next to me in the morning? Not as my girlfriend. Maybe as my wife? So do you wanna marry me?"

Her breath stopped. Tears ran into her eyes and she nodded.

"Yes. I wanna marry you."

She felt to her knees and kissed her little dwarf. Her father nodded to her smiling sister and the soldiers smiled in relief. This day wasn't full of death, it was the beginning of a whole new story.

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