Their First Day

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(hello! Just an authors note before we get started, this is Duncan x Courtney if you didn't read description, so please click off if you don't like it! Forgot to add, some of the last names might be wrong as I'm just getting these from Google! Thanks, love ya all!)



"Oh's the first day at this new school, I can't believe it...Lemme just check the time...CRAP! It's 7:15AM?! School starts at...7:50! Crap!...better get ready now.."


Courtney then grabs one of her long beige blazers from her wardrobe and puts on a short black skirt, then finally putting on her tie. Courtney grabs her phone from the side table to go onto TikTok, checking her notifications and does a daily fit check, getting a faceless picture of her with her fit, also putting it on Snapchat. Courtney sighs quietly, "I can't believe I still use TikTok and Snapchat as a 29 year old teacher.." Suddenly the time was 7:30, when she noticed her legs quivered and her pupils widened, then running to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Her phone playing 'Oh no' by MARINA. Grabbing her AirPods from the kitchen countertop, she then bolts for the door, putting on her bag and grabbing her car and door keys. Finally ready to go..and it was...7:40?!


" Oh damnit! I'm gonna be late..for my first day of teaching...that's not a good example, now is it?! " I run out of the house, my boots still not zipped up properly. As I get into my car I put in the key and start to put on my custom mix.."So it takes me...7 minutes to drive to the school so it should not take too long.." I sigh with relief, then I start speeding up driving in the roads..


As Courtney bolted past every car speeding along beside her, she finally arrived.."So..this is it..?" she said, parking her car and slowly skipping to the front of the school.."Oh! Yes it is, Drama Academy - For all education and students! What a fancy name." As she headed into the school building, a friendly male welcomed her. He was tall, with a green suit and dark skin, along with brown fluffy hair. "Hello! Who must you be?" He said, with a smile on his face. "O-Oh! I'm Mrs Felice..!" She said, with a confident smile on her face, matching his positive energy with a bit more confidence. The Fluffy Haired boy then looked on his desktop and spoke, "Oh yes, Courtney Felice, isn't it?" He smiled, his hands on the keyboard, still having the positive energy as before. "Y-yup!" As much as Courtney hated her last name, she had to be called it for this occasion. She didn't want her class to think she was informal, did she now? "Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, hehe! My name is DJ, also known as Devon Joseph! But that's way too boring for my I just prefer Mr Joseph or DJ! Your choice!" Then Courtney blinked quickly, switching back into reality..Then suddenly being handed a keycard, a lanyard and a file. "These will be your keycard to get into classrooms, a lanyard with all your badges and other things! Oh yes, the file is for you to know which classes you go to at which times!" Courtney looked at them for a few minutes so she could remember on where going to go, then putting them into her purse. "Thank you, Mr. Joseph I'll be off now, class has almost started! Heh.." She said, awkwardly. "Oh yes! Bye!!" He waved quickly, smiling as well. Courtney waved politely and walked off in a posh manner.


I was heading on my way to the next classroom, I was supposed to be teaching until I suddenly noticed this cute girl walking near me, I obviously couldn't say anything to her but god she was adorable...Suddenly, she smiled at me! Jeez..I smiled and winked at her..


I waved at some guy as I was walking to the classroom I was directed to..then he winked at me?! I didn't realise but I turned a bit red until dashing off into the classroom.

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