That was unexpected..

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(Trying to hurry these up, hehe! Just doing the 3rd one now! Hah.. Anyways, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoy and always stay positive! Don't think of what anyone else thinks of you and just keep going, don't be a sheep! Be a leader! And remember, someone out there will always love you! <3)




I quickly ran up to Courtney and asked for her number, she smiled softly at me and said "Ofcourse you may! Still up for 16:30?" She said..God she was adorable, I honestly didn't know how someone could honestly be that cute. She then typed her number out into my phone, She giggled at me and waved before leaving the school gates, "Cya, Duncan!~" She spoke sweetly, after saying the sentence she gave me a soft smile as she exited. Goodness..The way she walked, the way she talked..everything about Courtney was just perfect... I'm definitely falling inlove..


I smiled softly at Duncan before exiting the gates, his face turning a light shade of pink. It was honestly kinda adorable..I hopped into my car and then quickly sped off into the distance. I don't know why but I'm honestly excited for this supposedly date I'm supposed to be having with Duncan later today. Although... I've only got about an hour to get ready for it. I cant wait! Eek!


Courtney's phone buzzed as she was driving, she couldn't obviously read it but she was nearly home so once she was she could read it she did. As she entered her house and put her door key back into her purse she grabbed her phone and checked who the notification was from. -Oh, it was Duncan! Lemme  see what he said...- Courtney thought to herself, then read the notification..


Duncan <3

Hey! Just getting ready now! Wbu?
           Oh, yes I am! Hehe, same here! Just getting        
                                                                      ready too!!

That's great, cya in an hour!                       

                                                                          Yeah! Cya!

Wait, where do you live?

                                   Oh, I live on 27 Oxford Street!

Oh, there! Cool! See you!

                                                                         Yeah, cya!


-ONLY AN HOUR!? CRAP!- Courtney didn't swear much as she didn't want to be someone who swore. Although, she was alright with other people swearing but she didn't swear herself. She quickly bolted upstairs to her closet and put on a dark fern green hoodie to go with her black miniskirt, then putting on some fishnets and long black boots. She then started to brush her hair and such -I wanna look my best for him.. I mean, why do I care? He's just a accomplice at work who probably just wanted to get to know me. He probably done this for every teacher.. Why am I overthinking anyways?- She overthought a lot and was used to her rambling, but was anyone else? As she was getting ready the clock hit 16:30 and her alarm went off. -CRAP! Phew..Atleast I'm ready- She thought to herself before running down the stairs and grabbing her designer bag before hearing a knock at the door. She answered it, "Oh! Hey Duncan!" She smiled softly as he looked at her house in amazement, "Woah.. this is huge! How do you manage to afford this?" He said, although Courtney was oblivious to his question and was just staring at him in shock. He looked stunning, Courtney didn't expect Duncan to try at all with appearance but he really did and it DEFINITELY paid off..(Hsdnbfdsihidf DUNCEY) "O-oh! Sorry, Yea um I'm a Lawyer along with a teacher!" She said as Duncan's jaw dropped in shock "UNBELIEVABLE! Didn't know I was going on a date with a cute lawyer~" Duncan smirked, bending down to Courtney's height. She was 5'6 and Duncan was 6'0. So that was a funny thing (And you thought Cody was short pfft) Courtney then turned a dark shade of red, her hands covering her face as Duncan removed them. "Shall we go now?" She asked, hoping to change the topic and the entire conversation in general. "Oh! Yea, definitely!" He said, still smirking after the previous incident from before. They both walked out of the door and Duncan opened the car door for Courtney, -God..He was a prince. That was actually really .. attractive. - She blushed while thinking to herself, hoping that Duncan wouldn't notice. But ofcourse, he did. He smirked at her and giggled. "W-whats so funny?" Courtney spoke, stuttering with a little anger in her voice, Mainly because she was flustered, They started to drive. The car drive wasn't really quiet, although it kinda was. When they got there it was a gorgeous romantic eating place. With good rating, good hygiene, good food. Everything about the place was proper and posh, perfect for Courtney. Duncan didn't like it that much but he wanted to do something that he knew she liked. Seeing by her proper 'Mannerisms' (As Courtney would say) Duncan could tell that Courtney loved everything perfect and clean. They then got their table and sat down, it wasn't that busy at all. Which it was perfectly quiet and enjoyable for the two. When it came to ordering though, it wasn't that difficult. Duncan ordered a burger with double fries and a milkshake, Courtney ordered just a simple salad, "Why didn't you get much?" Duncan asked, Courtney just looked at him and smiled, hoping he didn't think she was weird for ordering such little and a salad, "Oh! Well first, I'm gonna pay so I thought-" She spoke before, "Woah there Princess, you ain't paying for this meal!" He said and put his fist on the table and slammed it lightly. It sent shocks down Courtney's spine and scared her, "E-eek!" she said.

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