A Class Bond

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(Pulled an all-nighter to write this lol, currently enjoying it a ton! Shall I make more? Dunno! Anyways, this will have a lot more swearing and romance in it then last time! It'll also have more Duncey too! Also, the last names in this are not mine that I've used! They're from somebody else's head canon on them so I have no answers on why! Hope you enjoy!)



As my class arrived into the room, I noticed some familiar faces from Courtneys class in mine. People like, Trent, Noah and Bridgette were in my class. As I was about to start teaching, Noah shouted out, "DO YOU LIKE COURT MISTER. RIFF?!" as the class burst into laughter, some confused as to who Courtney was and why the others were laughing, as they weren't in Courtney's classroom, -God..I was hoping this wouldn't have came up..- I thought for awhile, unfortunately having to answer to the question. "No. Why the fuck you asking?" I said, confidently and normally. My class were used to my bad foul language and often enjoyed it because they could then swear themselves. "Well, mainly saying it because you held her hand for like 10 minutes straight, called her SWEETHEART and went into her classroom during break. Don't think I didn't see you, hah!" He said, acting like a big detective finding out a massive case. Feeling quite proud of himself, some of the class in shock. Some still confused though. Then, a girl with long black hair and dark miserable eyes, going by the name of heather spoke up in her rude tone, "Who the fuck is Courtney?" She said, then suddenly Trent said, "Don't say the queens name in such a rude tone, Heather!" he yelled. "Back to your question, Heather. So she's a fellow teacher in this school-" he said before getting cut off by, once again, Trent. "SHES HELLA FIT!" He said, then Tyler asked him "Is she like- ya know?" Curious on why Trent was so eager about this teacher "Oh hell yeah, I'll point her out to you at lunch" Trent said, eagerly. Noah then spoke up "Moving on from those SIMPS, we all know you like Court. So just say it already!" He said, a grin appearing on his face as I accidentally screamed out, "FINE! Yes I do!.." he grunted as his class cheered, except from Trent and Tyler. "We will help you get her!" Said Lindsay, then Bridgette said "Yeahh she totally wants you!" All of his class were suddenly helping him out, pretty much just Duncan talking about her and then his class talking about ways to ask her out and shit. "So should I ask her out tonight?" I said to my class, all of them screaming out yes, then the guy with the party hat with blonde hair, a good student with his 2 buttons undone on his t-shirt spoke up, "Hell yeah! So dude, what you're gonna want to do right is your gonna want to take her out to a fancy restaurant. Or try to get to know her before taking her out somewhere!" (I'm too lazy to write the rest of the plan so you know) As he finished rambling about date ideas that I can take Courtney to, the bell rang. As they all headed out the blonde haired guy, also known as Geoff one of my good student friends, Fist-bumped me. "Use my idea well, dude!" Geoff said, smiling at him with his usual hyper-active energy. "Thanks man, I will." I said to him. Before he exited the class behind the rest of his friends.


I finished teaching quickly before going to get my lunch, as I went to the teachers lounge I noticed someone in there too, she had orange hair, with crazy eyes and a green dress with black stripes on it. Along with a bow in her hair with some glasses. "Oh! You must be Courtney, Courtney Felice! I'm so sorry I didn't get to introduce you earlier! My name is Izzy O'Carroll! Although I prefer Izzy a lot more!" The girl said, smiling widely as she shook my hand in a fast and crazy mannerism, I shook her hand back in a lot more of a polite and posh manner. "Nice to meet you, Miss O'Carroll. Thanks for the introduction!" she said, pulling away from the handshake slowly. " I noticed how posh you are, Courtney! Where do you get that like, style from?" Izzy said, smiling widely. As I talked to her a bit more, I kind of got the little bit of a crazy-smartass vibe from Izzy. "Oh, the mannerisms I've got are from my Auntie, she is quite posh and she lives in London!-" I said, before quickly getting cut off by Izzy! "WOAH!? LONDON! That's so cool!" Izzy had this non-stop positive energy. After they talked for awhile, Courtney found out that Izzy was the Principal of this school. Although, she wasn't a mean or stern teacher like the ones they had back in London, from when I lived there for a short time for my short time doing University work, Instead of being one of those strict Principals, Izzy was a crazy and energetic teacher. She was quite a big kid herself. Hah. After talking for awhile Izzy had a meeting to attend to and the bell was just about to ring. Therefore, we both had left the lounge to go to the places we needed to be. Although, on my way out I stumbled into a 5'4 little kid, he looked like one of the students. Although, he wasn't. His name was Cody and god was he short as heck. Ofcourse, I suddenly got distracted and started talking to him. After our long conversation the bell rung and I quickly sped of, ofcourse saying bye to the short colleague of mine. I taught my final class of the day and it went normally just as it would on a normal lesson. She always managed to get along with her students quite well, they we're all like her friends to her. As she talked to her class, the class had finally ended. They all didn't wanna leave her but they had to anyways, they walked out and said bye to her miserably. Although she still had a meeting to attend before leaving the school.


I was waiting for Courtney to come out of the school grounds for quite some time, as then she finally came out. "Hey, Courtney- I have um something to ask you-" I spoke, as she ran to me slowly and smiled, "What is it?" she said. "Um..- Do you wanna go out tonight?" I whispered and looked away, embarrassed. "Ofcourse I would!" Courtney said. Thank god..

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