The accident

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I got up in the morning had a shower got ready and opened the present it was a small necklace that had an f on it obviously I had to hide it at first but when I was at school I pulled it out from under my shirt "who got you that" Juliet asked suspiciously "Farhan did" "he did what when why how he's a broke mf" "well it kinda just happened" "how" "also did I tell you he asked me out as well" "and" "and I said no" "you said no Aisha are you fucking joking me" "what he was probably lying anyways" "maybe he was or he wasn't you'll never know till you ask" "I'm not asking no way no no and no" "fine I'll ask him for you"

 you see the thing with Juliet is once she says something she doesn't back down from it for example Juliet said that would never speak to Mariam again her ex-friend and it's been like a few years since haven't talked that's just how she is anyways she walks up to Farhan they talk and I'm just watch it From a corner "so what did he say" "he said he wasn't joking and he actually wanted to take you out" "Juliet I don't believe you" "you don't need to ask him yourself" I look behind me and he standing behind me "so you wanted to ask me something" "no I didn't Juliet's brain malfunctioned when she was speaking" 

Juliet walks away laughing going towards Salem because he's been staring at her since the whole pool incident anyways I'm walking to English by myself listening to my music and I feel someone tapping on my shoulder it's Salem "what do you want" "well your one of Juliet's best friends right" "correction I am Juliet's best friend" "ye whatever can you tell her to go out with me" "Salem are you being serious" "yes I miss her and I know she misses me" she doesn't "okay okay I'll ask her but if she says no she says no I don't control her" "thanks bro"

 I'm not your bro I think to myself as he does his weird ass walk to French I walk into English and miss curly changed the seating plan except we can sit wherever we want I jus sit at the back and put on my Air Pods since we were finishing our portfolios that were due for tomorrow I finish it and email it to miss curly and I had 40 minutes to the end of class Half the boys in our English class weren't there and they came in late soaking wet cause of the rain that happened during pe and one of them was Farhan miss told them they could sit where they wanted and Farhan decided to sit next to me and he said "you miss me" "haha so funny" miss has a seizure at the boys because some of them didn't have they're essays done Farhan taps me on the shoulder

 "help me" "do you mind I'm trying to listen to my music in peace" "if you help me with my essay I'll leave you alone" "promise" "I promise" "I know your lying your Farhan that's your thing you can't go a day without annoying me it's your daily routine" "just shut up and help me" I help him with the last paragraph and he sends it to miss and then we jus sit there "so what's new since this morning" "nothin" "why'd Juliet ask me bout our date" "what date" "our date this weekend" "I have no idea what your talking about" "I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow" 

only two periods left I thought after this I had chemistry and then drama" chemistry was chemistry it was boring then drama we had cover and guess where it was it was in Farhan's class cause he also had cover surprise surprise I sat there and jus watched true crime with both my Air Pods in so I couldn't hear anything I ask to go toilet half way through and I jus go for a walk I get down to pe toilets I come out and he's waiting there 

"do you mind stalker" "what had to see if you were okay" "I'm in school nothing gonna happen" we walk together back up in silence and we're on our phones and I feel dizzy "hey you okay" "I feel sick" we get together on the stairs "wait here okay" he runs up the stairs after five minutes he's back with all of our stuff "come on let's go" "what about..." "don't worry about those two" like he read my mind or something then everything went black I couldn't move anything I couldn't feel anything all I couldn't see anything then I heard my name being called and I woke up in a hospital room with my mum she smiled at me I blacked out because I wasn't eating enough my whole body felt numb like I couldn't move she told me she would come back in the morning to take me home I woke up at 4 in the morning to go to the bathroom and I come back to my bed and I see Farhan sitting on the seat next to my bed

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