{1} Click Here to Apply

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{A/n} Just thought I'd say this now, the reader goes by female pronouns. Just letting you know.

(Y/n's P.O.V)

"This is my life now, huh? Jobless, lying on my bed, contemplating what to do with my life. Geez, I've really done it now." I said, talking to myself, staring up at the ceiling from my bed.

"And I just got fired from my old job... Yay...! Why did I have to sleep in every day for a week straight? I was asking for it at that point."

The sun was beginning to set, and because of that, a beam of sunlight hit me in the face. I hissed due to the sudden action, getting up from my bed, and looking around at my small bedroom, now blanketed with yellow sunlight.

"Ooh... That's pretty. Hey, wait! What am I doing here talking to myself when I can get myself a NEW job!" Something must have clicked inside my brain because now getting a new job sounded like a pretty promising idea.

I ran out of my room with this sudden burst of energy, heading towards the kitchen where my laptop was sitting on the countertop.

"Get over here! I need you to help me find a new job and shit." I spoke to my laptop as if it could hear me.

After opening it up and putting in my password I immediately went onto Google and simply typed in, "Jobs in my area" I was instantly met with hundreds of results.

"Ooh! What to choose, what to choose..." I said, scrolling down the webpage.

"Chef... Nah, Politican... Nope- Hold on, what?" A large brightly-coloured pop-up ad appeared on the side of my screen.

Nightguard/Electrician position available at Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental. $15/hour. No prerequisites are required! 100% Safe.

"This almost looks too good to be true... Click!" I said out loud, clicking on the ad.

Benefits of applying for this job:

- Interact with our famous animatronic performers.

- Simple and easy-to-learn tasks.

- Help repair the animatronics.

- Do your part to keep the animatronics in order.

- Work alone, wow!

- You get paid $15 an hour!

"I like the sound of this!"

((Time skip))

"It's official, I've applied for the job," I spoke to myself.

"Now all I need to do is wait for some kind of reply, which shouldn't take too long, right?"

(I ended up getting a reply an hour later, simply stating: "Congrats, sport. You're hired. Arrive at [Location] on Monday, 11:30 pm to get started.")

((Time Skip))

It was around 6 in the morning on Monday, I was asleep in my bed dreaming about... something.

Suddenly my alarm decided to be a bitch and go off.


"Mmph- Shut up..." I said, half asleep.


"Alright, Alright!" I said annoyed, slamming my hand down on the alarm's off button.

I rolled off of my bed, literally, collapsing on the floor.

"Gah! WHY did I do that!?" I sat up, rubbing my shoulder in pain.

And then, Suddenly...

"Shit! I have my new job today!"

The Night Is Young | Funtime Freddy x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя