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Hello all! Welcome to Book One of The Chaos Theory! There will be four distinct publications in this series, each focusing on one of the four main turtles. Each book will feature a unique story with a setting in a separate universe. These publications are ( x readers ). Donnie is up first, in case you haven't figured it out yet! Therefore, before we begin, here are some important details you may want to be aware of:

Y/N = Your Name

F/C = Favorite Color

H/C = Hair Color


You are New York City's latest villain. You wear a skin-tight, hooded black outfit and go by the name Lotus. The outfit contains tiger-like stripes in white, yellow, green, and blue. You are skilled at wielding knives and daggers as weapons in hand-to-hand combat. No significant flaws or weaknesses, but feelings of profound failure indicate a serious mental decline.

That's it for now! If you have any questions on upcoming characters, let me know! :)

(There will be no oc's in this book <-- )

The Chaos Theory: Book One - DonnieWhere stories live. Discover now