CHAPTER FIVE : #(partial)facereveal

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(Don't mind the image, I couldn't find good pictures👍🫶)

(Back to Firefly POV)

"What is it, sir?" I ask, genuinely worried. "Is there a problem? Is it us?" Venom follows after me. He ponders for a moment, sucking in his lips until they're no longer visible. "Just.. a heads up. I know you both are the best of the best," he pauses, thinking. "But that was in Canada. We do things differently here. The boys aren't gonna go easy on ya just because you're girls. And neither will I, you hear me?" I freeze, trying to process what he told us. "Sir, we do not expect anything of anyone. The only thing we ask for is fairness on the field." Venom puts it in a much nicer way than I was thinking of, but that works too ig.. "Captain, if that's all, we'll be going now. To complete our training along side your men. Thanks for the heads up, pal."
"I can't believe he actually said that." I complain on our way back into the 'training house'.
The moment I walk in: I'm faced with the stench of sweat, and body odour. The building is just one big room, full of gym equipment and even a whole boxing ring in the middle. I follow  Venom into the girls washroom and quickly change into my workout clothes. I'm wearing a black sports bra, and tight black shorts. When I walk out of my stall, Venom looks me up and down. "Girl. that's a bit... are you trying to get flirty with the guys? Do you think there's a dress code?"

"Whaaat? I saw shirtless guys out there, I'll be fiiinnnnee."

"Unlike some people, I'd rather not show off my ass." She refers to her grey sweatpants, that just barely fit her. They fall dangerously low around her waist. I give her a look, flicking my eyes from her waist band back to her eye. "Ugh. Fine." She pulls her white muscle shirt down to cover her hips. "Lookin' mighty fine might I say." I joke, and we giggle together in unison.
We walk out, still laughing. We pass a few equipment stations until we're finally met with the ring. Both Venom and I stop in our tracks. Already in the ring is König and Ghost. Shirtless. I slowly turn my head towards Venom. I find her with her mouth agape slightly. I shut her mouth with my hand on her jaw, and roll my eyes as I do so. "Simp." I add, "You're one to talk." She smirks at me. "Hey! No gossip!! not in public, we've talked about this." I whisper, now looking back at the two men. They're wrapping their hands, and taking their sweet time at that.
I focus on König, not caring much for Ghost. He has a slim waist, though defined muscles and sharp abs. Scars spray over his chest, gut, and arms. If this man wanted to, he could squish my head like a blueberry between his fingers. "How can they still wear their masks?" Venom raises a brow. "Don't ask me!" I shrug my shoulders in defence. "You're the one with the mask!" She points down to the balaclava in my hand. "Okay maybe you're a little wittle baby bit right, but I take my mask off." I'm so lost in conversation I don't even realize the burning holes in the back if my head. After a few more moments, I turn around to find König watching me, immensely. I walk up to the ring. "What's up?" I smile at him. He stares down at me without adjusting his posture. "C'mon man. You're already like 3 feet taller than me, you don't need the advantages of this dumb ring." I fiddle with the rings base, that just so happens to be elevated up to my shoulders. He chuckles, crouching down to meet my face. "Why hello there." I blink.

"Here to watch?" He tilts his head.

"Of course I am! With a hint of working out, that is." I gently smile up at him.

"I'm fighting the winner!" Soap pats my back, catching me off guard. I catch König giving him a dangerous glare, though I brush it off thinking König got scared too. "I'll fight the winners winner." I laugh, one upping Soap. "That means I'll be seeing you in the ring, lass."
He winks, before walking back over to Gaz, who seems to be working on deadlifting. "Knock him dead, König!" I back away from the ring just as he begins to jump around, presumably to get rid of some nerves. I bump into Venom, who's sure to comment on the two men. "Who's your money on?"

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