Leo's Return

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Aella Jones, 18 years old
New York, New York 2018
After I blew up at Raphael I didn't hang around to find out what his reaction was gonna be. I hurried inside the apartment, slumped against the door, and, true to my nature, cried. I was angry at Raphael and angry at myself for letting some guy mess with my feelings so badly, and the last few months all came out in an ugly mess of snotty sobs. This was it. I was done. I couldn't let him affect me so badly when he obviously thought I was a stupid kid who couldn't even get home on her own. He would never see me the way I wanted him to. As I slowly calmed down, I started getting the feeling that I wasn't alone. April and Casey were still out, so I knew it wasn't them. I got up and looked around the apartment. Downstairs was empty, so I started walking up to my room. When I reached the top of the stairs I gasped in shock. The figure turned towards me at the sound and I saw teeth emerge in a friendly smile. Leonardo. He had been looking out the window at something, but now he came towards me. I took a quick step back, flipping the light on. I knew it was Leo, but he looked different. More rugged. His skin was a darker shade, and he definitely had more scars. He seemed bigger than I remembered too, more muscular. He wasn't a boy anymore. Whatever he had gone through in that jungle had made him a man. And then he spoke, and I knew he hadn't changed too badly. 'Hey, Aella. Miss me?' His voice seemed a little deeper, but it was warm. He opened his arms and I flung myself at him, squealing in excitement. He smelled earthy, and I breathed deep. 'Of course I missed you. We all did. Why did you stop writing, you ass? You had all of us worried. The guys needed you. I needed you.' He set me down on my feet. 'I know, and I'm sorry. I just didn't feel ready. I had to stay until I could become the teacher you need me to be and the leader my brothers deserve. Speaking of my brothers, can I stay here a little longer? I'm not ready to see them just yet. I'm tired from the trip in the cargo hold.' I raised a brow. 'Of course, Leo. Whatever you need. We should be alone for a while yet. I'm actually happy you came to see me first. I feel special.' He ran a finger over my cheek that was still damp from tears. 'I had a feeling I should come here first. I heard you and Raphael outside. I got all of your letters. I take it things haven't changed here much?' I blushed and wiped my face. 'He's a jerk, that's all. It's my own fault. I knew what he was like and I fell for him anyway. But it's over now. I'm going to focus on graduating and our training this year. I'm super psyched.' He studied me, making me a little nervous. 'Does he know, Aella?' 'Know what?' 'Have you told him that you're in love with him? Or that you like him even?' I frowned. 'I don't know. Does it matter? He's shown over and over again that he can't stand me, so I don't think he cares. I'm nothing but a nuisance to him.' Leo was shaking his head. 'I really think you need to tell him exactly how you've felt about him this whole time before you go making assumptions about how he feels. Take it from the guy he always fights with. There is always more to the story with Raph. Obviously that's not an excuse to be, well, Raph, but you won't know how he feels until you ask him.' I rolled my eyes. 'I really don't want to pour my heart out to him and get it stomped on Leo, but thanks anyway. You just need to keep me so busy that I can't dwell on it. Now, I'm gonna take a shower. You know where everything is downstairs. You can crash up here or whatever if you want.' I leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. He closed his eyes and pressed a hand to the back of my head, holding me in place. I felt him take a deep breath, and then pull my head away. He looked down at me with those deep blue eyes and for a second I thought there was something more in them. But then it was gone, and he said, 'Raphael doesn't know how lucky he is. Don't let my idiot of a brother make you think less of yourself for even a minute. Just think about what I said, ok?' I nodded, and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door. When I came out again he was laying on his stomach on a blanket on the floor, and I smiled. He looked peaceful, almost younger. I imagined he hadn't gotten much sleep where he was in comparison with being at home. I pulled my comforter back and climbed in, falling asleep quickly. I was woken up by loud voices at 1 in the morning. I looked over and saw that Leo was gone, so I walked downstairs. April and Casey were back, and Mikey, Donnie, and Splinter had showed up. Leo was on the floor by the couch letting Shadow climb all over him. She was thrilled, whether at the new playmate or being up so early I didn't know. Leo looked up as I came down and smiled big. Casey kissed me on the head and said, 'I'm sorry if we woke you. When Raph told us Leo was here we all got excited.' Splinter shot me a knowing look and my mouth went dry. 'Raphael told you? Where is he then?' Mikey spoke up. 'He said he was going back to the lair. He's in one of his moods.' I nodded. 'I'm gonna go back to bed then, let you all carry on.' As soon as I got back upstairs I went to the window and looked out. I pulled a robe around myself and stepped out onto the fire escape for some air. I felt hot thinking that Raphael had seen Leo in my room, sleeping, though I didn't know why it mattered. God, what was wrong with me? I leaned on the bars and cradled my head in my hands. I heard the creak of metal and looked behind me. As if my thoughts had summoned him Raphael was hanging on the ladder. Since there wasn't exactly a lot of room, I climbed back in the window and waved him up. In a hushed tone I said, 'What do you want Raphael? What part of our conversation earlier didn't you understand?' He was looking at me with an unreadable expression. It made me pull the robe tighter around my short pajamas. 'I actually came back to apologize earlier. Imagine my surprise when I come to your window and see my brother laying in your floor.' I scoffed. 'So what Raphael? He was tired, and not ready to see you guys yet. It's not my fault so don't go putting it on me.' He raised a brow ridge. 'I wasn't. I'm just curious why Leo came here, to you, first.' I listened for a minute, still hearing voices downstairs. 'You'll have to ask him that Raphael. Now can I please go back to sleep?' I started to close the window but he grabbed it. 'Do you like him, Aella?' I looked up at him, and I thought about lying, but I couldn't. 'No. I love him like a brother. Nothing more. I'm in love with someone else.' He cleared his throat after a minute. 'Good. That's good. Get some sleep. I'll see you.' I watched him leave, and closed the window, crawling back into bed and wishing I could love anyone else.

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