The Touch Of Hands | Hunter/Tech

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Broken. So many pieces were utterly shattered upon the ground at his feet. For a moment he stared at them, silently sulking upon the idea of walking all the way back to The Havoc Marauder without them.

"You...good?" Hunter asked hesitantly, a hand wanting to grip Tech's shoulder in some sort of halfhearted comfort.

Tech steadied himself against a nearby tree and looked up at what was now a blurry face, "I will manage." So he had told, yet there was an obvious doubt to his tone.

During a strange errand off world from Cid, they'd gotten thrown off the path back to their ship. And after a few minutes of trudging through thick forest, it had finally happened. Tech had tripped over a vine in a poor attempt to check his device while trying to keep up the pace with Hunter, who was busy navigating through the tough conditions himself. And let's just leave it at, don't ever fall and bang your head against the meanest rock in the whole damn galaxy.

It was cold and dark with the moon supplying only minimal light through the treetops, and if Tech really wanted to even make out the outline of his companion's face he had to squint quite heavily. Because without his goggles, he was practically as visually impaired as the first man who had figured out it was bad to stare at the sun. And even that was an understatement.

Hunter smirked; he knew how bad Tech's eye sight was, but if the fool wanted to stumble around in the jungle, then who was Hunter to stop him? "If you say so," he said through a small chuckle, knowing he'd be helping after a couple of trial and errors.

Tech ignored him with a roll of his eyes, focussing on feeling what was around himself. Yet, that wasn't too helpful either, apparently. The first step in and he was already face planting into a tree, embracing it like his only hope of a secure lifeline.

Hunter sighed as he turned around, yet only to glance upon him disappointingly; he'd at least thought Tech would've made it a minute or two. Guess he was wrong too. "Need any help yet?"

Tech drew in a deep breath before nodding, grip loosening on the tree in a small pout of shame. "I suppose so."

Hunter hummed whilst stretching out an inviting hand to him, ready to take hold of his technician. "Take my hand," he called in a gentle voice, understanding how Tech must've felt at the moment.

He was dead wrong...again.

Tech's heart throbbed at the kind tone his leader used while slowly creeping his own hand towards his, fingers reaching out in an eager hast to hold Hunter's hand. Was this really necessary? There had to be another way, but like hell Tech was passing up this chance.

Their hands slid together, palms fitting into one another's like a missing piece to a puzzle.

Tech looked to the ground as he felt the heat rush to his cheeks, tinting them pink. The pad of his thumb rubbing in a single circle, feeling the fabric clothing the top of Hunter's hand. It was...stimulating.

"Shall we?" Hunter gestured towards the blurry forest ahead, grip slightly tightening around Tech's needy hold.

He nodded, seeming to snap out of his fixation at Hunter's gingerly voice.

This was going to be a long walk.

However, somehow within the span of twenty minutes on their journey through the dirt and brush, it had turned into a little more then that. Truth was, Hunter could feel the absolute pounding of Tech's heart through the mere connection they currently shared, and it would be a waste of an opportunity if he didn't take the chance to mess with his technician at least a little.

"Something on your mind?" Hunter asked, an all-knowing tone hidden behind his curious sounding words.

Tech shrank a bit behind him, getting the hint that he might've noticed his continuous staring over the past few minutes. "Nothing at the moment, no." Lies.

Devilishly smirking behind the cover of his helmet, Hunter yanked on Tech's arm causing him to stumble forwards into Hunter's "innocently" waiting embrace.

Tone lowered to a husky pitch Hunter grabbed at his companion's hip, gaze intimidatingly locked onto the others before grounding out the words; "Really? Seemed like there was..."

Tech gulped. Sound caught in his ever so tightening throat as he stared into the dark and mysterious visor of his capture's. His heart rammed against his rib cage, rapidly sped up to an unbearable pace.

Hunter smiled, gladly sliding his free hand along Tech's side to help him stable himself once more. The proud feeling in his chest swelled, knowing that he could make his companion so overly thrilled simply at the touch of his hand.

Tech said nothing as they began walking again, for once too caught up the adrenaline rushing through his head to speak. Only now did it come to him that Hunter could feel his reactions so clearly, and in knowing that he hung his head low, feeling cowed.

Soon, they'd finally arrived back to The Havoc Marauder safe and sound. The breath of relief being a welcoming feel upon seeing it's dull and dirtied haul.

Hunter hesitantly released Tech's hand, creating a slow drag of their fingers along one another's warmed palm. "That wasn't so bad," Hunter sighed while removing his helmet, feeling somehow not completely content just yet.

"Agreed." Replying somewhat shyly, Tech copied his motions, also unmasking. He felt it too, as if something wasn't complete between them after all that.

It lingered, and for a solid two minutes they stood shoulder to shoulder, not moving a muscle.

Until he did.

Hunter was the one to attempt a first step forward, trying to vacate the building of whatever that unyielding aura was. Which didn't go quite as he planned.

Tech uncharacteristically moved into his path, tripping his commander into his awaiting arms.

Hunter reached out, a small grunt of surprise slipping out of him as he now held desperately onto Tech's shoulders. Brown eyes gazing down at him with such intensity.

"You felt it earlier. Do you feel it now?" Tech asked, voice thickening sternly. His hand clenched around now Hunter's hip, the other placed comfortably onto his back for stability.

Swallowing hard, Hunter suddenly was hit with a rush of heat boiling in him. It washed over his entire person as he now stared into the stone cold eyes of his technician, nodding firmly to confirm that he did, in fact feel the same.

It took nothing more then that for Tech's hand to glide up from his hip to his hair, tilting Hunter's head until their lips met halfway in a passionate kiss. Their first kiss.

It was heated yet neat, and the pecking only continued as their mouths kept clashing together. And before they knew it, positions had switched with Hunter pinning Tech down into one of The Havoc Marauder's chairs.

Knee wedged between supple thighs Hunter planted his hands on either side of Tech's head, kissing down from his mouth and trailing pecks along his jaw whilst listening to his companion's easing moans as their hands gripped at his chest plating tightly.

Yeah... This wasn't bad one bit.

[Words: 1,225.]

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