Bikes N' Books 2 | Hunter/Tech

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It was still Friday, the night was coming soon and Tech was only six minutes away from getting off work. Hunter was stoked, to say the least. "Anytime now..." whispering to himself Hunter glanced up from the random book he'd picked up just to look busy, tracing his sharp eyes around the large room for any sign of Tech.


Just yesterday he'd been working late into the night at the shop, fixing his motorcycle with the part he'd been waiting weeks to come in for. Meaning he was finally going to do it, he was determined in convincing Tech to ride with him. He'd been trying to since day one, but recently Hunter had noticed something change. Tech wasn't like before, something had shifted in their relationship and Hunter was damn set on finding out what that was.

After all, hopefully this wouldn't be their only ride together. He'd planned many more, and put thought into what their future would be like. And maybe it was a stupid move to rush things, but ever since they met Hunter just knew Tech was man he was going to marry one day. Hunter had already bought a ring months ago, a plain one but that's how Tech liked it. And someday, Hunter hopes he'd like it more when wearing it.

How long had he been coming to the library now? Hunter couldn't remember, he wasn't one to keep track of time. Tech was, Hunter knew that; and sometimes it seemed like they were from completely different worlds, raised on the opposite side of the galaxy even. But Hunter felt it, the pull in his chest, the strength in his voice, the ever growing desire he had for that man. His man, he'd like to think of him as.

They were meant to be, Hunter swore he could simply sense it...

Two minutes late and Tech was finally heading his way, a satchel slung over his shoulder and his sweater slighting slipping down one side. Hunter could testify that through his eyes, that man striding down the aisle right there? Was a supermodel, and often Hunter wondered why no one was giving Tech a raise for how many customers he attracted to the place.

Hunter wolf-whistled, smugly grinning when he noticed a pink hue flushing over Tech who was now hesitant on coming too close. "Better not walk around like that too often, I'm bound to pounce on the opportunity one of these days."

Scoffing, Tech adjusted his glasses. "If that is the case, I will be walking home alone then." He could feel the heat creeping up his throat, and felt the reddening tint glowing from the tips of his ears.

"Actually, i had something else in mind." Closing the book, Hunter stood, closing in on Tech's position.

swallowing dryly, Tech sighed. "Well that's not comforting."

Hunter lifted a hand to Tech's chin, angling his head to lock his dark and stone cold eyes with warm and pleasant ones. "I'm sure you'll change your mind," —he said lowly, straightening Tech's sweater more properly over his shoulder— "come on."

Rolling his eyes, he breathed, trying to calm the wild storm bubbling within him. Whatever Hunter's idea was, Tech told himself that he'd consider it. Things had to change between them if Tech wanted to get closer to the man he was formulating feelings for, and he'd already told himself that today was going to be that day.

Outside awaiting them was something Tech wasn't too surprised about, but damn did it look good outside of his imagination. "Ah, a 1988 Harley-Davidson FXSTS Softail Springer," he said rather casually, as if that wouldn't punch a hole through Hunter's heart. Of course he knew it would however.

Hunter's breath hitched for a moment before he cleared his throat, the burning desire to lean Tech right over the seat and-

"Hunter?" Tech called, befuddled when he didn't respond for a solid minute.

"Huh?" —he stared blankly— "oh! Right." He walked over, recollecting his thoughts as he slung a leg over the motorcycle. "I was wondering...if i could give you a ride home?" He asked cooly, grip tightening on the bars.

Thinking for a moment, Tech nodded, a serious look to his features as he climbed onto the back. He was silent before suddenly the atmosphere felt heavier as he daringly asked; "may i see your residence first?"

Chuckling, Hunter sighed in relief. This was going better then he had planned. "That's a risky move," —he pulled Tech's arms around his torso, snuggly pressing them together— "for you."

Feeling challenged, Tech summed up his courage. "I am willing to take that risk," he said coldly, adjusting his glasses unnecessarily to appear more professional then he felt inwardly.

"Really now?" —Hunter turned his head, their lips an inch away from one another's— "are you sure about that?"

Tech felt the wash of his hot breath over his face, the warmth of their bodies beginning to burn up with something other then heat. "Positively," he nodded firmly, trying his best to look confident when his blushing cheeks were selling him out.

Starting the rather loud engine of his bike, Hunter smiled when it purred for him. "Well then, you'd better hold on tight." He shot Tech once last glance, his black eyes glinting with a devilish hue when he stepped on the gas.

As soon as they were on the road, Tech understood why Hunter loved this. The wind in his face, the open skies above and nothing but the drive ahead on a sweet ride with what Tech was realizing was the love of his life. He's just ashamed it took him this long to see it; but what mattered was right now. How their body's were warm between their connection, and that reassuring feeling that was coursing through them abundantly.

It was rather...amazing really.

At least that's what Tech had dreamily thought before locks of brunette hair were whipping at him, stirred by the forceful winds and into his limited space. Kind of a killjoy, but Tech shook his head with fondness regardlessly.

Suddenly feeling a head setting atop his shoulder, Hunter quirked a brow at the intruder. "Problem?" He questioned hoarsely.

"You're hair was in my face," Tech stated matter-of-factly.

Laughing heartily, Hunter apologized. Now enjoying the comfort of their cheeks pressed firmly together, even if it was simply an escape from his wild-like mane, he was too grateful at how things were playing out to care.

At the library Hunter always looked out of place amongst the shelves and usual customers, but here and now, Tech felt odd, as if he was now the one in a completely new setting, seeking affection in a different world. And hearing Hunter chuckle like that stirred something hiding deep within him, so it was shocking when Tech abruptly felt a certain growth beneath him.

Stiffening at the feel of something poking into the fabric of his jeans, Hunter's hellish grip on the throttle hardened. He went from soaking in the sun's rays and enjoying soft company to feeling his own manhood react to the shift in aura. He swallowed, hard.

Keeping his eyes glued to the road ahead, Tech tried to scoot backwards without being too obvious. Although he felt as if it was too late for that, and there wasn't much space behind him. He was stuck...

Becoming hyper aware of every sensation, Hunter felt the way Tech's arms tightened around his hips, the weight on his shoulder drooping with shame and the body flush to his back stiff and unyielding. It was too damn difficult not to crack a smile, to laugh, to anything really.

Feeling the almost overwhelming swell in his chest of pride, Hunter's only excuse was 'who wouldn't feel at least a little cocky in his situation?'

So from them on, he slowed down, going below the speed limit like the damn bastard he really was.

Tech noticed...

[Words: 1,335]

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