Bikes N' Books 3 | Hunter/Tech

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Tech wasn't entirely sure what he had suspected from Hunter, but a trailer house wasn't too far down from the top of the list. Yet it was surprisingly appealing in it's plain grey coloring, outdoor keepsakes scattered throughout the small yard. It was all very...Hunter-y.

"Well, this is it," Hunter said, hands on his hips as he stood proud at the sight of his humble home. "It's not much, but it's something."

Tech continued to scan over it, appreciating it's gruff and tough charm. The wear and tear visible but the repairs were more so obvious. Tech didn't mind though, everything about it screamed Hunter in a 'wow, he's definitely still a bachelor' type way. At least he thought so.

Suddenly Hunter gestured a hand towards the door, "care to join me for a drink?"

"Yes," he responded stiffly. Then followed Hunter closely, practically walking through the waft of his musky scent from trailing an inch behind him.

It was unusual, in some ways overwhelming so; to be so far from the library together was a first and it almost felt as if they'd left the world they once knew entirely. From strutting down halls arm in arm like goofballs to actually accepting those bubbling feelings that had been building up from the beginning, was too unreal. It felt as if they were reading another fairytale, but instead were living it. Actually getting a taste of what books tried to communicate.

Who knew it could be this empowering?

Hunter halted as he gripped the door knob, staring down at it hesitantly. "By the way...there's something you should know." His tone dropped to a deeper note, and his body had tensed up. Something was bothering him.

Before he could continue, Tech reached for his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "Whatever it might be, I'm positive it will not effect my opinion on you, Hunter."

They locked eyes for a moment and something had softened in Hunter's, he'd never seen them look as afraid as they did now. What was behind that door that was this worrisome? Tech wasn't one to be scared off easily, Hunter knew that. So what was bothering him this much that he might think so?

Hunter took a deep breath, then smiled as if nothing was on his mind. "If you're sure, then come on in."

"I am," Tech stated, nodding at him in a quick 'thank you' for holding open the door.

Taking one last glance into the sky as the sun was going down, Hunter sighed into the cool air. This was what he had been waiting for even since he first met Tech, like hell was he backing down now.

Once inside Tech was taken aback, his brown eyes widened. There was so much to take in. "Fascinating," was all he said as he stood frozen in the doorway, Hunter removing his leather jacket behind him.

The walls were covered from floor to ceiling in posters from various heavy metal to classical rock bands, the furniture not all quite matching and all kinds of trinkets were littered in every direction. It had a small walk in kitchen right when you stepping inside, and to their right was the living room, the left wing a hallway leading to a few separate rooms.

It was exactly like peeking into Hunter's soul...and Tech wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or not.

"She should be out any minute. Look sharp, she's expecting something greater than Metallica." Hunter huffed, clearly noting that there were few things greater then heavy metal. Tossing his keys onto the living room coffee table, Hunter searched around the area until finding a hidden trash bag.

Tech's face twisted in mild shock, "she?"

Speaking of the devil with a sweet voice, she called, "hello there."

Tech swiftly turned to the noise, seeing a blonde headed girl appear from the hallway; a smile on her face yet an expectant look in her hazel eyes. "Oh," —he waved awkwardly— "hello."

She turned to Hunter who was busy stuffing cans into the bag he'd grabbed, "Hunta, is this..." She trailed off, gaze fixed on Tech excitedly.

Hunter kicked a wrench under the couch before approaching them. "Omega this is Tech," he said bluntly before firmly gripping Tech's shoulder. "Tech, this is Omega," —he paused— "my daughter."

Tech was seriously contemplating if a human's eyes could pop out of their heads from shear shock, because at the moment it didn't quite seem impossible. "You," —he gulped audibly— "never mentioned her before..."

The tight squeeze on Tech grew as Hunter felt a pang shoot through his heart. He had fears about this, but it needed to happen sooner or later if their relationship was ever going to sprout any further. And when he tried to reply, nothing came from his throat, the words he had sinking into the empty pit in his stomach.

Omega knew Hunter, knew he was worried about this. But seeing him come home happier then ever on those lonely nights after visiting this man she heard much about, she thought it must be worth fighting for. And she would for Hunter in any way she could; after all, she knew she wasn't always going to be here for him.

Hunter was a family man at heart if you looked past his rough exterior, anyone could see that if you truly got to see that smirk he wore when with the folks he held close. That's why Omega felt it as her duty to help him, see it through that he had someone to hold when she left to find her own path in life. Maybe it wasn't always going to be riding motorcycles with the gang, but Omega sure hoped so for Hunter that it would be. Tech was simply a new addition to the family, and Omega was going to make sure of it...

By letting itself play out!

"Welllll," she drawled, interrupting the suffocating silence. "Hunta, I will be heading over to Lyana's for the night;" she said, grabbing a bag she had already packed and slipping on her boots.

Hunter cleared his throat, "for the night?"

"You said I could just yesterday, remember?" She quirked a brow at him, her sass evident in the way she cocked her hip out when folding her arms.

He didn't remember, but in front of Tech who was he to say no? "Of course I do, go right ahead. I'll see you tomorrow, kiddo." Now Hunter was ushering her out the door, the new pinkly glow to his cheeks painfully obvious.

"Whoa, ok, ok," —she chuckled before turning back to him with a sweet smile— "just don't forget that you owe me one now," she whispered, that innocent smile curving darkly into a smirk.

Too damn smart for her own good, Hunter thought. But felt pride swell abundantly in his chest at that also. "Ice cream and movie night next week?" He grinned down at her.

"Only if Tech's invited," she challenged, the determination in her mischievous eyes growing.

Hunter swallowed, processing that for a moment. He turned back to Tech who was busy evaluating the living room, fingers gripping into the softness of his sweater. "We'll see," he breathed, the daring edge to his voice dissipating.

With that, Omega began to head off, grabbing her bicycle and swinging a leg over just like Hunter would his motorcycle. "Don't keep him waiting!" She yelled, waving a last time before riding off down the road.

Oh, he wouldn't. Hunter had plans, and as he waved back to his fleeing kid he couldn't contain the smile tugging at his lips dangerously.

[Words: 1,280]

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