Accidental Fathers | Hunter/Tech

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It was one of those days. Hunter could feel it in his gut as he stood at a small vendor selling black coffee, awkwardly looking down the street as the women kept glancing at Tech and Omega with him. She didn't come off as rude, more so curious the way she eyed them. Yet Hunter couldn't place a finger as to why.

Since docking on Pantora the night before, Tech had suggested a few of them join him to run some errands the next morning; and even though he had a rough night's sleep Hunter was set on going with him. It hadn't been too long now since he first developed feelings for his second; so any chance there was to spend a little extra time with him, he was taking it. No headache was stopping him.

Not long after, the lady had slid Hunter his order of drip coffee, giving a sweet smile and a nod of some kind of approval. It was starting to nip at Hunter as to why this women was acting oddly, but he shook it off and placed some credits on the table. "Thanks," he said gruffly, his voice still a rumbling mess this morning.

Grabbing his beverage and gulping down a hot sip, he noticed as Tech tucked a supplied sugar packet into one of his many pockets. "Did you want something?" Gesturing towards the vendor, Hunter reached for his compartment to grab more credits.

Tech looked up at him from his device, sparing him a small view of the upward curve to his pinkly lips. Casually shaking his head, "no, but thank you."

Feeling the sudden urge to capture those delicious lips with his own, he clenched his fist in an attempt to restrain himself. Hunter then glanced down the street of the busy market on Pantora, desperately looking for a distraction. "Where to?"

Omega piped up behind them, suddenly grabbing both their hands from between the two. "I know just the place," she amused, the tone to her voice thrilled and confident in her quick decision.

She leaped forward, Tech stumbling upon their first few steps of being dragged, unprepared even after feeling the squeeze to his left hand. "Omega-" —he squeaked stupidly— "slow down!"

Hunter chuckled, picking up his own pace to match the kid's; maybe out of spite, maybe not. He wasn't sure, but like hell was he missing the opportunity to laugh at his second when he almost fell face first into a trandoshan fur trader. Although it was hard to watch when he was multitasking between trying to navigate through the bustling crowds and keeping his coffee afloat.

Soon they found themselves in front of a tidy tapestry shop, fitting nicely into the corner of a building. It was faintly lit from strands of small lighting lining the ceiling, rows of cloths and other decor calling to them with their glamor. It was actually quite alluring...

"This is the place," Omega sighed contently, the glow gently sparkling in her hazel eyes. The next second she was sprinting in, calling to them excitedly. "Come on!"

Hunter and Tech shared a glance before simultaneously shrugging, not thinking too much of it before entering together. Already Omega was fluttering throughout the shop, running her hands over soft rugs and fine robes. There was so much to look at, Hunter didn't know where to start, instead just opted to follow Tech around as he approached a rack of various hats.

Hunter scanned over the headwear himself, attention catching on an older looking cowboy hat.

Getting bored easily, Tech noticed the small glint in Hunter's eyes, peeking over his shoulder to see what he was now holding gingerly. "Find something?" He asked, sounding interested.

Hunter flinched at the sudden voice in his ear, his cheeks tinting pink when he turned to face him with the sharp brimmed hat in hand. "Not sure, just thought it looked...nice." Sounding bashful he gazed at it intensely, not bringing his eyes up to meet the beautiful ones staring at him.

Tech softly took it out of Hunter's grip, studying it for a moment before lifting it above their heads, neatly placing the cow-boyish accessory atop his head. "It suits you quite well, actually," Tech said sweetly, a different tone lanced in his voice then Hunter was use to. Quietly he brushed a stray lock of brunette hair off Hunter's shoulder.

Hunter was shocked, astonished, amazed even. A flood of heat rushed through him as he now stood frozen in place, barely even taking in account the hat he now wore. He couldn't find the words to thank him, simply too far lost in the appalling aftermath of Tech's unexpected affection. The feeling was somewhat if his fragile heart was to pop any second.

Meanwhile at the far end of the room the shopkeeper smiled at them, adoring the picture it painted in his humble store. It wasn't often newlyweds visited, so it delighted him to know his shop could bring joy to such a cute couple.

Still wondering about Omega saw the man starstruck at the view of her teammates, the curiosity as to why drawing her in. "Did you want to meet them?" She asked the older gentlemen, a genuine innocence to her intrigued eyes.

Flinching at the abrupt interruption, the man's posture relaxed upon seeing her, "Oh! Are you with them by any chance?"

Omega smiled ear to ear, matching the excitement in his tone. "Yup!" —she chirped— "they're my squad." Pride swelled in her chest upon the words, proud to share her status with others.

He chuckled heartily, "i thought so," he claimed, seemingly mistaking her for their daughter.

For a moment they glanced over to them, seeing Hunter flushed red to the tips of his ears as he laughed nervously, Tech taking the opportunity to swipe his coffee and use that sugar packet he had apparently been saving for just the right time.

Suddenly the shopkeeper turned back to Omega, his voice almost lowering to a whisper. "Say...can i ask you something?"

Omega felt the older man's kindness, looking upon him sweetly when he started to fidget with his hands. "sure."

"How long have they been together?" He nodded towards them, gaze soft and gentle like.

Covering her mouth with a hand to ensure privacy she grinned up at him, "since forever," she cheekily stated, a snicker laced within her words.

He was taken aback to say the least, a confusingly shocked look masking his features. "And they still act like that with each other?" —lifting a hand to his brow he whistled— "that takes two special people. I'll tell ya what kiddo, you sure got lucky." 

Not understanding much of anything he had said, Omega shrugged it off. Waving to him as she opted to head back to her team.

With the hat and his coffee gone, Hunter sighed as they left the store. Feeling his earlier tiredness returning to him. "You'd planned that the whole time, didn't you?" Hunter asked, dumbly staring at Tech as he now sipped on Hunter's coffee.

Tech snorted, "of course i did." Scrunching his nose at the bitter taste he poured in the remains of his sugar packet, stuffing the trash back into his pocket to dispose of later. "I did not want all 27.8 grams of coffee that you normally consume, therefore it would have been a waste if i had bought one for myself separately."

Shaking his head with the smile of an idiot, Hunter sighed, beaten. "Apparently," scoffing, he smoothly ran a hand through his hair.

A silent moment passed before suddenly Hunter was staring down at his coffee once more, looking up to the tenderness carried in Tech's golden brown eyes as he said; "here, have some."

Slowly reaching out, Hunter's fingers brushed Tech's as he gingerly gripped the warm cup in his hands. "Thanks," he silently responded, just like he had wanted to before.

Lifting the beverage to his lips, he swallowed. His handsome features quickly twisting into the face anyone'd make when biting into a lime. "Wow," —he coughed— "that's awful!"

Tech grinned ear to ear, laughing full heartedly at his captain's display of disgust.

Omega was finally catching up when she had abruptly stopped in her tracks a few feet behind them, lost at the sight she was witnessing them share together; the early morning sun beaming down, a fresh breeze wafting past and the lovely smell of a floral shop nearby, surrounding that one moment placed in the middle of the bustling street.

She had just understood what the man earlier was referring to...

[Words: 1,444.]

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