Chapter 9

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Anna's P.O.V

"Wakey wakey Anna,its time to get up" I groaned at whoever was attempting to wake the the beast  this early. I rolled over and saw a quite energized Liam kneeling before me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" He chirpped. I glared at him and covered my face with a random pillow.

"Come on, we need your help with something."

"What time is it" I asked grogily.

"One thirty" He said as if this was a regular thing. They need my help at 1:30 in the morning? Knowing the boys, I figured it was best not to ask why. I stretched until I got light headed (which feels really good in the morning) and stood up.

"We need you to close Zayn's suitecase. You can say that he doesn't travel light." Liam said leading me to what I'm guessing is Zayn's bedroom. I gasped when I saw a mountain of clothes overflowing out of a small carrier. Zayn was standing there with an expression that said "I got 99 problems and an over-packed suitecase ain't one". I sighed and rubbed my temples, these boys......

"Alright, first you have to fold the clothes, trust me, it may take a while but it helps" I suggested, dumping everything out of the bag and beginning to fold. This was going to take a while......

~About 45 minutes later~

"There, happy?" I asked a bit out of breath from wrestling to zip everything up. Zayn nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.

"We've got your stuff taken care of, don't worry" Louis said, consentrated on his phone. Was I going with them on tour? Around the world? Fuck yeah......

"Im going to?"

"Of course you are!" Harry yelled, picking me up and running down the hallway. I screamed, mostly out of shock, and laughed uncontrollably.

"Harry-put-me down!" I yelled between laughs.

"If you say so!" And before I knew it, I was flying....kind of, more like falling. I screamed as I face planted into the couch.

"You scared the piss outta me Harry!" I scolded, trying to get my heart rate back to normal. He shrugged and poked my sides. This is way too much physical activity for 1:30 in the morning.

                                            *On the plane*

"Where did my sock go!" I yelled at the boys.

"You get used to it. At least they haven't taken your underwear." Niall laughed taking his seat by the window. My underwear?

"Don't worry, just make sure that anything valueble should stay hidden from the fans...especially underwear" Zayn said patting my back. I shook my head and sat down next between Liam and Zayn and across from Louis, Niall, and Harry.

"This is so cool!" I yelled after discovering the seat warmers. I wish I had my own privite jet!

"Can I get you guys anything?" About to answer, I looked up and saw a girl who looked to be about my age standing there. She was gorgeous:

"I would like a face like yours. Are there any avalible?" I asked flipping through a magizine I had brought.

"Uh, well, not exactally, but we do have peanuts!" She laughed. I liked this girl. Appearentlly Niall did to, he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"Yes, peanuts will do." I said jokingly. She walked off with a smile and Zayn turned to me.

"What was that about?"

"Did you see her? She was gorgeous!" He smiled, as if he was goining to say something, but decided not to.

"Here ya go! Enjoy your peanuts!" The girl said happily, handing me a little bag.

"What's your name?" I asked, wanting to get to know her.

"Juliette Adams, and you?"

"Anna Jays, nice to meet you Juliette" I introduced myself.

"The pleasure is mine, will there be anything else?" We all shook our heads and I waited for her to walk away so I could talk to Niall.

"You like her don't ya!" I smiled, sitting next to him. He blushed and looked out the window. I smiled happily.

"You two would be sooo cute together!" He shook his head and stared at his lap.

"She doesn't even look at me, how can she like me if she doesn't even pay a passing glance at me?" He answered quite seriously.

"What are you talking about? Any girl would be lucky to be with you Niall, trust me" I reassured, patting his shoulder. He smiled, but I could teel he wasn't buying it. I rested my head on his shoulder as I felt myself drift off into unconsiousness.

~3 hours later~

Zayn's P.O.V

We arrived at the hotel around 7:00 in the morning and boy were we tired.

"I'm gonna go for a smoke, wanna join me Zayn?" Anna asked after we finished unpacking. We had three rooms reserved for everyone. Harry and Louis shared one, Niall and Liam in the other, and Anna and I, what a coincedence right? Its not like I had anything to do with the bedroom arrangements.......

"Sure" I said following her to the balcony, you could see the whole west L.A area from here. I pulled out my lighter and lit my ciggarette. I leaned over the balcony and just thought, taking advantage of the silence. I turned around saw Anna exhaleing, letting the smoke fly into the air, almost as if she was letting all of her problems seep out of her body.She was looking out over the town, we didn't get the best hotel due to fans and such, so our veiw wasn't the best, but she seemed to enjoy it. I pulled out my phone and took a picture, and might I say it was beautiful:

"Did you just take a picture of me?" She asked, turning around and glaring at me.

"Maybe..." I said putting out the last of my smoke. She rolled her eyes and flicked her cigarette over the ledge. Everything she did was perfect, the way she walked, the way she laughs too hard until she starts sneezing uncontrollably...everything.

Anna's P.OV

I sprawled out onto one of the queen beds and stared at ceiling. I began to think of my family before it got all screwed up and realized that these boys are my family, my everything.


sorry it took so long to update, i was grounded! also sorry this chapter sucks!

stay booty-ful


Falling for my kidnappers~A Zayn Malik love storyWhere stories live. Discover now