Chapter 20....number 2

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Look up "Read All About it" by Emeli Sande and listen to it while reading this chapter!



Anna's POV

This is utterly revolting. Im standing here in a too-short dress that is quite low cut, next to a gross and creepy man-child in a club full of sweaty and messy drunkards. I peered out over the crowd and sighed , I would much rather be in that hell hole that i've been calling home for the past three months, but more than anything in the entire world, i yern to be in Zayns arms. He's probably forgotten about me by now and found another girl that is far more attractive and fun to be with, but hey, having an imagination won't kill anyone, well unless you're imagining that your imagination kills things, then having an imagination kills people.

(Sorry i suffer from ADDOISAS: Attention Deficet Disorder Oh I See A Squirrel)

"Can we please leave?" I asked Tony cautiously, he turned to me with an annoyed expression plastered on that evil face i've grown to dislike with a very large passion.

"How about not. Go get me a drink, not a girly one" He ordered harshly, I let out another sigh of defeat and did as I was told. If you're wondering why im not trying to run, its because every time i try, I get beat senseless. For a while, I felt as if Zayn was actually going to try and find me, i awaited for what seemed to be ages in my tower, waiting for my prince to arrive and take me away, but he never did. Everytime my face would pop up on the television or computer screen, i would earn a punch in the gut or a kick to the head, yes i said kick. Tony reminded me alot of my father, they are both angry,abusive, and lonely alcoholics. I slid past all of the erotic dancing and sat on one of the stools at the bar, spinning sub-conciously as i waited for the busy bartender to notice me.

"What can I get you love?" The stalky man behind the counter asked me cheekily, he looked to be about in his early 20's.

"Your hardest liquor you've got!" I said gazing around the colorful bar filled with people. He nodded, winking as he walked down to where all of the alcohol was held. He winked at me, a totally hot and eligible bachalor is flirting with me and all i could do was see Zayns face. As i waited for the drink, i got this nagging feeling as if someone was watching me, the thought made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"Here ya go, have a good night gorgeous" The bartender complimented, handing me a bottle and walking off. I rooled my eyes and huffed, me gorgeous? I turned around, only to collide with another body, causing the liquid spill everywhere.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I apologized, wiping what i could off of my tight dress.

"Its ok Anna" The figure said. How did he know my name? I tried focusing on the silhouette, the strobe lights giving me short glimpses at the figure.

"You alright Anna?" He asked. That voice, still clinging to the insides of my memory brought back wonderful memories.

"Z-Zayn? Is that you?" I asked shakily, trying to obtain all of this suprising inormation. I could feel him smile widely as he enveloped me into a tight embrace, burrying his face into the nape of my neck. I felt the corners of my eyes begin to sting , tears threatening to spill over. But I couldn't cry, I couldn't let him think that I've gone all soft. But all of my pride washed away as i felt my exposed neck get wet with tears, other than mine.

"Zayn are you crying?" I asked attentivly. He nooded, my voice only making him squeeze me even tighter. I allowed only one tear slip out, my mother always taught me only to shed one tear and to make it a good one, because strong women don't let people see them cry. I know it sounds harsh but it helped when it came to my father, who wouldn't let me cry and truthfully I couldn't.

Falling for my kidnappers~A Zayn Malik love storyWhere stories live. Discover now