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The last 3 days I have only been focusing on cheer, and honestly my grades show that. My highest grade right now is in Gym with an A-. But all the important classes, like the ones you need to graduate and stuff, my highest grade is an D+. I'm lucky I even have that. Not to mention my science partner, Sapnap won't even talk to me because he still thinks I am trying to bail out of doing work. I actually felt really bad because he has been doing this project all by himself this whole time. Anyways now i am heading to math my worse of the worse subject. The teacher starts talking about something I honestly do not understand. I then feel asleep. Before I knew it, it was the end of class and the teacher came up to me," Karl I have been checking in with your other teachers and peers and you have not been doing good. You have to pass these classes to move on to the next grade and for you to graduate. I have even talked to your friend Sapnap and he told me that you have done no work at all on your science project." she explained. "I'm sorry Mrs. I just been focusing on my sport and-". "Karl you need to focus on school as well. It is a state requirement for all minors to have at least a C adverge for you to continue any sport. I'm sorry to do this, but I am giving you detention on Saturday afternoon. Its only for 2 hours. This will give you and Sapnap the chance to work on your project, and you to focus on more school." she said "NO! I'm sorry but Mrs. I had practice on Saturdays from 1-7! I can't do this!" I begged and explained. "Well good thing you have to come at 9!" she said then walked away. Great. Not only do I have to spend my Saturday at School but with Sapnap. I'm going to be so tired on Saturday. Now I actually have to care about school which is so unfair.

~Time skip to Saturday~

I walked into the empty school and walked into the math room to find Sapnap. "Finally you want to show up and do the project" he said nonchalantly. "Look Sapnap I have been focusing on Cheerleading an-" Cheerleading? Come on man that is not even a sport! That is why you have been slacking off? For Cheer?" He said but then snickered at the end. Then I lost it. Not even a sport? How could he say that? "Ok i don't care honestly about you or my grade. I care about my SPORT, yeah sport. I am only here because I have too. And trust me you are the last person I want to spend my Saturdays with. so can you please not make this day any worse?" I practically ranted. "Fine what ever dude" he said quietly.

About 45 minutes of working on our project Sapnap said something to me."Hey man I just want to apologize for acting the way I did earlier. And thinking you bailed on me. I honestly would focus on football if that was still in season, so I get how you feel." He said. "No its okay and thank you." Wow I never knew that mr. bad boy could be so sweet. Maybe this Saturday isn't so bad after all. Before we knew it the time was up and honestly we really bonded. We talked about all our favorite things like color, food, and thing to do, which needed up being our sport. I checked the time it was actually 12pm. "It was good talking to you Sapnap, but I have to go to practice." I said. I started walking away then Sapnap said," Wait! Do you think I could have your number? You know for the project?" He said kind of blushing. Yeah sure I typed my number in his phone. "Just call me whenever ok?" "Okay"

(Sapnap POV)

Karl had just left after I had asked for his number. Wait why did I ask for his number? Why would I call him? Wait why are my cheeks getting warmer? I honestly don't know why any of this is happening. I am actually sad the Karl had to leave he is supper sweet,kind,... and kind of cute. Wait what? Why am I saying this. I don't like guys! I have had 8 girlfriends this year I obviously don't like guys! But Karl, his beautiful brown hair, his eyes in a see of gray that you can get lost in and drown, his perfect gym and athletic body which shows that he clearly has been taking care of him self... Wait wait wait. Karl is just a boy right? Just a partner for a science project. Just a guy who bumped into me. I can't take this anymore, Karl isn't just a boy.

I have had so many girlfriends and honestly I don't know why. I have never really felt the way I feel about Karl before. Why do I treat Karl so bad then? I have all the emotions and don't know how to feel about them. I just know that Karl makes me feel different, he makes me want to change who I am to be the very best for him. I don't even know him that well but he seems like an amazing guy. A guy who I think I have a crush on.


A/N: ANDDDD another chapter done! It is literally 10:24 pm on a Thursday afternoon and I have school so I am tiredddddd.I have big plans for this story!Please give tips for me to better improve my writing! Reminder this is my first story! Eat,sleep treat yourself you are amazing! Stay safe and awesome!

(970 words)

Always Cheering For You~ karlnapWhere stories live. Discover now