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Tw: Bruises , talking bad, fight, arguing  

(Karl POV)

I was on my way to the gym in a taxi, because again I can't drive because of my ankle, and I'm just thinking. Sapnap really is a nice guy, if you ignore the other parts. He is super kind and really understanding. He makes me feel safe? I don't think I should feel this way about a guy I just had met, I mean it worked in the movies rights? I need to snap out of it Sapnap is 100% straight  I mean look at him, he plays football, has frat boy friends, and not to mention the fact he has had about 8 girlfriends in the year, not one boy. But I can't help but think of that light brown hair,those emerold green eyes are so pretty there're probably worth a million dollars. He is mean but maybe I could see through him. And even better I get to see him more fore our project.

I snaped out of my thoughts to find that it was raining. I get out the taxi with an 'thank you' to the driver. I walk in the gym at about 1:05, only 5 minutes late not so bad. I go to the locker room to change then walk outside to see Alex, Dream and Tina sitting on the floor stretching. "Hey guys!" I said. "Finally Karl your here! I can't go practice with out you!" Tina said, following with a hug. I stretched for about 2 minutes before coach called everyone over. "alright guys as you know NCA is in 4 weeks please contact me if you can't afford plan tickets or hotels! California is really expensive and I am sorry that they moved the location this year. (A/N: Lets pretend NCA is in Cali, trust me it ads to plot.)Now everyone who is in the stunt groups please move along if you are not tumbling. Today we will start with tumbling to really make sure you guys got this down. We are going to practice so hard until you can't make mistakes." Coach said. Oh no, I thought. Tumbling really? The one thing I cant do, the one thing that started to make my ankle hurt in the first place, the one thing that if I get hurt then I can't preform. Everyone soon got ready for tumbling, but I hesitated a bit."Hey Karl, what are waiting for go out there!" Coach said to me. I walked to the mat and got ready. "Alright lets start with that back hand spring double full." Oh no. Are we starting already, and I went to try and I did it just fine, but my ankle was not fine at all. After about 2 hours of just tumbling it was finally lunch break. I went to go get my water and salad and ate on the floor with Tina, Alex and Dream.

~After lunch~

"Alright lets get do some stunts umm lets get in our stunt groups." Me Tina, and Alex all got in our formations. Tina was doing amazing until we had to do a simple full up and she lost her balance and started falling forward somehow. Everyone started gasping and we caught her, but on her head. She was upside down when we caught her and she had bumped her head on the floor. Tina's brothers Leo and Luke rushed over to her. Her brothers usually don't say anything that much in practice, and Tina always hangs out with us at lunch or in school because she sometimes feels left out with her brothers, since they are twins, but there are only 2 years older than her. "Tina are you okay oh my gosh." Luke said. "Uh yeah, I just bumped my head quite hard. But I am totally fine let me just go to the bathroom and get some water!" Luke replied with an 'okay' obviously not believing she is telling the whole truth. Everyone in the gym was a little spooked about a flyer falling and possibly getting hurt this close to NCA. But Alex has a bad temper. "You know if she stayed in one place for 2 minutes of her life she wouldn't get hurt. I mean I get she is new to the team and she still learning but how can you not even do a full up?" Alex said angrily. Unluckily Luke and Leo heard this. "Dude what did you just say about my little sister?" Luke asked angrily. Tina had told me that her brothers always annoyed her because of how overprotective they are to her. When ever she liked a guy or a guy looked at her the wrong way her brothers would get so mad. "I said your sister needs to do better! Or do you want to lose at NCA? Because we will if she can't stay in the same spot!" Alex replied. "Listen here dude I don't know who you are or who you THINK your are, but don't EVER talk about my sister that way." Luke then said. Wow I never knew they had such a temper, but it was nice to see them sticking up for Tina. "Don't tell me what to do dude." Alex said getting more and more in Luke face. Uh oh. "Dude Luke let it go" Leo said."NO! I am not going to let him talk to Tina that way! "Luke replied. "What are going to do about it" Alex said now fully in his face.

(Tina POV)

I was coming back from the bathroom because I heard arguing, I don't really like violence or anything like that, but I wanted to see what was going on. I walk about to see Alex and Lukes face to face, but knowing my brothers Luke looks really mad. "What are you going to do about it?" I heard Alex say. No no no no no no no, he shouldn't have said that. Luke backs up and I see his hands ball into a fist. "LUKE NO!" I say but its to late. Luke had jumped onto Alex and started punching him like crazy. Eventually Dream, Leo and Karl pulled him off while I was in shock. What could have possibly lead him to do that? I walk over to Luke, "What are you thinking? Your going to get suspended from the team Luke! I don't want to get on that mat without you!" i said. Luke had his head to the floor not saying anything.

The coach finally ran out from the health room to see Alex with bruises all over him. "Oh my gosh! What happened?" she asked. "Luke is what happened coach." Alex said then walked into the health room. "Luke is this true?" she asked. Liam nodded. "Well gosh Luke you are always so quite and behaved I can't believe you did something like this. I'm sorry Luke but your suspended the for 4 weeks, so you will not be competing with us at NCA." Luke just stud there and nodded.

Practice was over and me and my brothers were driving home. It was a silent car ride. I finally spoke up,"Luke what did Alex possibly do for you to do that to him man? Come on he is my friend-" "Your FRIEND?" he scoffed. "Friends don't talk about peoples friends behind their backs. Friends don't insult you every time you make a mistake Tina. If he is your friend I suggest getting new ones." he said keeping his eyes on the road. He sighed,"Look I'm sorry but I couldn't take him saying all those mean things about you. And no I won't tell you what he said exactly because I know it will get in your head and you will only think about that" he said. It was silent again. "Luke?" "Yes?"Thanks"

(Sapnap POV)

Ever since I had studied with Karl I had been feeling different. I way I think I had felt before but not with any girlfriend. I was walking around school campus to find a boy sitting down on a tree. I walked up to him,"Hey what's your name?"

"Oh hi! I'm George!"


OMG DRAMAAAAAAA. Kind of long chapter but hoped enjoied, I never had a big brother so I thought it would be cool if a chacter had one! And sorry for making Quackity the bad guy in this suituation! Please give tips for me to better improve my writing! Reminder this is my first story! Eat,sleep treat yourself you are amazing! Stay safe and awesome!

(1416 Words)

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