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TW: injury, anxiety?

(3rd person POV)

NCA day is finally here. Karl and his team have all been working incredibly hard. Their friends,families, and even pets have been waiting to watch this team perform. Will they hit 0? Hitting 0 or known as hitting is when you make 0 mistakes so you have 0 deductions.

(Karl POV)

I woke bright and early this time with Sapnap. I took a shower,brushed my hair and finally put my uniform on. I then woke up Sapnap,"Wake up babe, we need to meet the team to catch the bus." He got up stretched and then took a shower and brushed his hair as well. Then he picked up a sign that said 'go karl!' on it in bad handwriting. My mouth dropped. "When did you have time to make this?" i asked laughing about the fact he made a sign. "I had a lot of time on my hands when you were gone love." He said followed by a a kiss on my cheek. "Also I love men in uniforms, you look amazing." he said. I blushed. "Thank you"

(Tina's pov)

I woke up way to early. Well to be fair I didn't wake up my brothers woke me up. "Come on Tina we need to get ready by 10!" Leo said."What time is it now?" I asked sleepily. "9:45" Leo said like it was nothing.I jumped out of bed. "Leo why didn't you say anything earlier 15 minutes is not enough time!" i yelled looking through my bag for my uniform and getting a towel to take a shower."I thought that was enough time" he said. Ugh I then got into the shower and put my uniform on. I then curled my hair. The time was 9:55 I guess I am doing my makeup on the bus. "Goodluck guys! we will meet you there!" My dad and my older brother Noah said. "Thanks" I said rushing out the door.

(Karl POV)

"Hey tina!" I said holding hands with Sapnap who is beside me. "Hi karl! Hey any chance you can do my makeup in 10 mintues?My brothers woke me up way to late to do anything." I chuckled. "Sorry Tina I can't do makeup" i said. "I can do it!" Bianca, a girl on our team said. "Thanks Bianca your a life safer!" Tina said. We all then got on the bus and I see Dream and George together as well. "What chapters did I miss here?" I said jokingly."You guys make me feel single" Alex said. The bus ride was nerve racking, The girls were doing touch ups on their makeup. and all the guys just talking about the football game tomorrow. I think I was the most nervous. What if my ankle gives out in the middle of the routine. My leg was bouncing up and down as I was thinking. Sapnap put his hand on my thigh. "Hey I bet your going to do great." He said then kissing my head. I so hope he is right.

We finally made it to the place we were competing and as soon as we got off everyone was cheering. I was holding hands with Sapnap and we walked inside. "Sorry Sapnap but only people apart of the team can be back here."Its okay. But please Karl be careful and try you best" he said then leaving. Then our team started stretching on anything we could find. People did jumping jacks, put one of their legs on the wall, and even used chairs. I started stretching with everyone else. Stretches lasted about 10 minutes until it was time to go on."Alright guys it's showtime, we have been training all season for this guys, I know you can go out there and HIT so lets go out there and be champions!" coach said. Everyone cheered and went to the side of the mat.  I peeked through the crowd and saw Sapnap with his huge badly written sign, George, Tina's brother's and dad. The announcer then said our names. We all ran out waving our hands to the loud crowd. Before I knew it the music played. It was show time. 

The music started playing and all I could think of is my tumbling. Come on Karl it is only a 2 minute routine lets do this. We started with stunts and we hit that. Then we did jumps, luckily I didn't have to do that part. Then came tumbling and all I could think of his to land this. YES! Tumbling was down. But my ankle still hurt like crazy. Come on karl all you have left is pyramids. We lifted Tina up into a full up, then everyone else did the same and all the flyers touched hands completing the pyramids. The flyers came down in baskets and let them down. I had to do only 3 more rounds of tumbling anddddddddddd we were done. We just HIT at NCA!!! We finished and ran off mat. Everyone started cheering. "Guys that was amazing we definitely have a chance to get 1 place with that guys be proud of yourself!" Coach said. I was proud of myself. Proud my ankle didn't give out. We then had to wait for the other teams to preform and then he were called for awards. We waited as we heard the 5th,4th,3rd, places. I held my breath. Then they called the 2nd place. That means we won! They had called our names and everyone jumped for joy! We then ran behind stage and celebrated more. Sapnap came out of no where and gave me a big hug picking me up while he was hugging me. "You did amazing love!. I didn't even know that cheerleader do things like that!" he said. "Yeah most people don't. And thank you" I said out of breath."Alright everyone celebratory beach day! Teams day out!" I asked the coach could Sapnap come and she said no. "Sorry babe you can't come I will see you at the hotel!" I said. "Aww okay see you later" he said followed by a kiss.

(Tina POV)

We had just won NCA! Oh my gosh Oh my gosh. My dad and brothers came up to me and leo. "You guys did amazing! Tina when you did that turning thing in the air, and Leo when you helped your girl do the turning thing in the air!" Noah said. I laughed "Thank you, but we have to go to the beach to celebrate and you guys can't come, we  can have dinner to celebrate!" I said. "Alright will do stay safe Tina! Leo you too!" We go on the bus with our team and we got to the beach. 

(Karl POV)

Tina grabbed my hand and we started running to the beach. But all of a sudden I heard a cracking noise in my foot. I instantly fall down and scream in pain at the top of my lungs.Tina looked at me confused and she called the Coach over and that is the last thing I remember before it went dark. 

(3rd Person POV)

The coach called an ambulance and everyone circled around karl who was getting taken on the beach on a stretcher. Coach got into the ambulance with Karl and so did Tina. "Is there anyone he can call?" The coach asked. Tina sat thre in thought, "OH SAPNAP". Tina reached into Karls bag and called Sapnap.

(Sapnap POV)

I was in the hotel when all of a sudden my phone rang. It was Kar.I answered, "Hey Karl aren't you supposed to be with your team?" I asked. "Uh this isn't karl" the person on the line said. Oh no what happened? "Where's Karl then?" i asked worriedly. "Right now we are in an ambulance heading to the California Ray Hospital" the person on the line said. I froze. It had to be his ankle. The ankle I told him weeks ago to stay off of. I hung up and called a uber to the hospital. The whole ride I was wondering if Karl was okay. Tears rolling down my eyes I can't stop thinking.I was praying that Karl was okay. I was dying to know if my boyfriend was okay.


CLIFHANGER OOOOO!! Anyways hoped you enjoined this one kind of went from happy to sad really quickly. Sorry for the changes in the POV's.Please give tips for me to better improve my writing! Reminder this is my first story! Eat,sleep treat yourself you are amazing! Stay safe and awesome!

(1409 words)

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