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(George POV)

Me and Karls studying sessions have been going really well. He still needs help with a couple things though. Me and Karl made a schedule, On mondays we work on math,tuesday english, wednesday history, Thursdays science, and fridays are his choice.But me and sapnap proposed a Idea. Since Karl and Sapnap are science partners then Sapnap and Karl will work together with science for now on. This means that they will get to see each other every thursday, and possibly friday. Today is Wednesday so we worked on history. "Oh Karl sorry I forgot to mention this earlier but for now on every Thursday you will work with Sap on science, you know since he is your partner and all." I told him. "That's fine" he said kind of blushing.

(Karl POV) 

OH MY GOSH. This can not be happening now every Thursday I have to sit and talk to my crush for 1 hour and 30 minutes. What if Sapnap thinks I am stupid because I need tutoring? This is not good.

The next day the time finally had come. I walked into the library to se Sapnap sitting there and waiting with his backpack on one shoulder and books in his hand."Hey Karl!" he said. "Oh h-hey Sapnap" I said with heat in my cheeks raising up."So uh lets work on this project shall we?" I nodded and followed him to his seat. "So uh we need to do the research on the plants we found and write a report. That shouldn't be so hard." he said. I still nodded. I looked in my backpack just to find I left my computer in my last class and my teacher doesn't let anyone come again to get their stuff. "Uh Sapnap I forgot my computer." I said. "No that is fine we can maybe share mine if that is okay with you he said. "No that's fine" Realising where I am seated I can't see his computer screen so I scooted closer and closer, until me and his chairs touched. My face instanty started blushing. He turned to look at me and I think me and I think my face was a tomato."Karl you have something in your hair." He said and put his hand up to take it out but then he left his hand behind my ear just looking in my eyes.we are so close are noses are almost touching. I looked right back into his george face. You don't know how badly I want to kiss him right now. Before I know it I get a boost of confidence and started leaning in closing my eyes. He started leaning in as well just about to close the gap between us.

Then suddenly my phone rang causing us to split apart. No. We looked at each other and then turned around to look right back at the computer in front of us. Neither of us saying a word.what was I thinking? Kissing a guy I just met only 2 weeks ago."Uh sorry" he said breaking the silence. I stayed quiet. We finished our research and all we had to do was the paper. It was time to go so I packed up my things and waved goodbye. I almost just kissed my crush. He almost just kissed me back. This was super exiting.

(Sapnap POV)

I can't believe Karl almost just kissed me. I bet his lips taste like strawberries, or maybe cotton candy, who am i kidding it probably tastes like what ever heaven tastes like. If only his stupid phone didn't ring. Who was that calling him anyways? Well who ever they are I instantly hate them.

(Karl POV)

It was the end of the day and I found Tina, Alex and Dream, all together. Hph maybe Alex appoliged. But all I wanted to do was tell them about Sapnap. "hey guys guessed what happened!" They all looked at me wondering what could have possibly happened that was so exiting. "I almost just kissed Sapnap! It was amazing I bet kis lips taste like-" "Uh Karl" dream interrupted. "Yes?" "I Just want to tell you to be careful. I have been friends with Sapnap before and he will do whatever it takes to get a good grade. I just don't want you to get used by some idiot." Dream explained. I thought about this for a while. Sapnap wouldn't do that, would he? No I saw his blushing like me he couldn't have he wouldn't have."Uh yeah Karl Sapnap used to be really mean to me before you were here. We don't want you to get hurt." Tina said. I don't know hat do do here. My friends wouldn't lie, but Sapnap wouldn't use me right? I walked away from my friends just thinking. I called a uber to got to the gym that night, I wanted to think without my friends for a short while. That while obviously didn't last long because I saw them again at the gym at practice. At practice we worked on our stunts once more and this time we went through the whole time without messing up. I was really proud of our group because of the last problems we have had. But I still can't forget about my ankle. Doing stunts doesn't make it hurt that mad overall but it still puts a lot of pressure on it. 

Finally practice was over and  I was at home in my bed.I had researched every melody to try to take care of my ankle and it felt a little better. I can last less than 4 weeks right?But then, I was sitting there still thinking of Sapnap. He used my friends what would make me any different? Wait but he was blushing when we almost kissed. He even apologized. I don't think he would use me. I trust him. All of a sudden I get a call. 'Sapnap' read the phone. I instantly sat up and answered the phone."Hello" i asked. "Oh hey karl did i wake you up sorry I will call later." he said "NO NO! I mean uh no I was awake." Me and him talked for almost 2 hours and since it was a thursday night we had to go."Bye Sapnap" I said. "Bye Karl"

(3rd person POV)

That night Sapnap and Karl both had a dream that night, not just any dream, a dream abut eachother. Concendently, the dreams were very similar. The other person was in his arms hugging in that persons favorite place. For Karl him and Sapnap where hugging right after his team had won NCA in California on the beach. And after they hugged they did a long passionate kiss. For sap him and Karl were hugging in a field of flowers and just like Karls dream, they kissed passionately. This made the two's feelings for the other person grow stronger.


OoooOOOooOOOoo lovee. Things are getting realllll.Please give tips for me to better improve my writing! Reminder this is my first story! Eat,sleep treat yourself you are amazing! Stay safe and awesome!

(1173 words)

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