Chapter 21: Brothers Once Again

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(A/n: Well I wasn't expecting to write another chapter but I kinda thought of a little more. This is basically a little add on from last. So with that in mind this will possibly be the last chapter because after this I don't know what else to write about. However like I said if I ever get more ideas for this book it will be continued. So with that being said I hope you guys enjoy ;3)

- Last Part -
~ Solar Eclipse's POV ~

Solar(Eclipse): "L-Listen...*lets go of Lunar*... I don't deserve a second chance and I understand that. I-I know you're happy with Sun and Moon as your brothers so if you want to go back then so be it. I'll leave you alone and you can abandon me forever I-I don't care. I-I just wanted to let you know that I've changed and that I... I do love you brother and I... I actually mean it."

I was then expecting Lunar to run off but he turns around and hugs me now sobbing himself

- Current Part -
~ Solar Eclipse's POV ~

Lunar: "Y-You do care!" *sobs*

Solar(Eclipse): *returns the hug* "O-Of course I do..."

After I said that I picked the small thing up and held him. When I picked him up he wrapped his arms around my neck and continued crying but now it was against my shoulder. That's when I placed a hand behind he head and held him with the other. I myself was also still in tears.

Solar(Eclipse): "In fact while I was all alone in that forest dying the only thing I wanted and wished was there was you. I just wanted to see you again and apologize for all I did even if you don't accept it. I realized I cared even more as the days progressed. You feel like my only family because you basically are"

Lunar: ....

Solar(Eclipse): "In fact, I don't know how I ever hated you in the past. I was just a complete evil jerk to focused on my own end goals I guess"

Lunar: .....

Solar(Eclipse): "Honestly now that I see it even though I apologized I know you still want to hear it... Lunar, you are not a mistake ok, You're just a kid who doesn't know any better and wants to have fun. I honestly don't get why my old self didn't truly see that or understand that... or even let you be you"
(A/n: yes that is a reference to the Nice Eclipse dimension where Nice Eclipse said that. Like I said my version of "Solar" is basically Nice Eclipse from that dimension but instead he was Evil Eclipse in the past)

As soon as Lunar heard that I heard him give an almost forced chuckle

Lunar: *sniffs* "Thank you"

Solar(Eclipse): "You're welcome Lunar"

After I said that I feel him smile against my neck. As tears were still running down his cheeks.

Lunar: "Can you... can you stay with me?"

Solar(Eclipse): "That is the plan. I mean they don't have enough room in the daycare from what I heard from Sun anyway. So if you allow me to I'd love to stay in here with you"

Lunar: "I mean I was the one who asked you to stay so yes you're allowed to"

Solar(Eclipse): "Good to hear, I can't wait"

With that I then walked over to one of the sitting areas in the theater used to watch the shows specifically the kid's seating area which is directly in front of the stage. When I sat down Lunar turned around and leaned back against me while I held around his mid section

Lunar: "Why'd you change?"

Solar(Eclipse): "I told you, It's because I wanted to. I regretted all I did in the past and now I want to right all my wrongs. Turn over a new leaf per say"

Lunar: "Heh, You remind me of Nice Eclipse"

Solar(Eclipse): "Nice Eclipse?"

Lunar: "Moony sent me to a different dimension where you were nice. I've been going there a lot as of late"

Solar(Eclipse): "Right, Sun and Moon both brought that up after I apologized to them"

Lunar: "They did?"

Solar(Eclipse): "Mmhm."

Lunar: "Also you went to them before me? Why?"

Solar(Eclipse): "Because I wanted to save my brother for last. Plus you weren't here at the time anyway you were in that "Nice Eclipse" dimension playing games with him"

Lunar: "Ah"

Solar(Eclipse): "Heh, ya know you don't need to go there any longer. You have a nice Eclipse in this dimension and he's sitting with you right now in fact"

Lunar: "I know"

Solar(Eclipse): "Does this mean we're brothers again?"

Lunar: "It will take a lot of getting use to but I'll give you another chance if what you say is actually true."

Solar(Eclipse): "It is. Every word of it. I truly don't want to be the villain in the story any longer"

Lunar: "Then with that being said I'll give you another chance. However as I said it will take me some time to actually call you "brother" again"

Solar(Eclipse): "I completely understand that."

Lunar: "Thanks Eclipse"

Solar(Eclipse): "Your welcome but please I don't go by that anymore"

Lunar: "What?"

Solar(Eclipse): "Don't call me "Eclipse" because I'm not, that was the old me"

Lunar: "What should I call you then? Because I'm not calling you "brother" at least not yet"

Solar(Eclipse): "Solar... that's what I go by now. It's because "Solar" is the nice version of "Eclipse" or so that's what Luna says"

Lunar: "So my sister made you..."

Solar(Eclipse): "Sister?"

Lunar: "You know this, Luna basically became my "older sister" back in October when you treated me badly"

Solar(Eclipse): "Right, I forgot about that. But yes Luna fixed me."

Lunar: "She did a good job too"

Solar(Eclipse): "That she did"

After that both me and Lunar go silent

Another chapter done. And well as you guessed it I couldn't put everything into this chapter so there is a chapter 22 coming out. By now I'm just done saying "this is the last chapter" because I really don't know if it is. I'm just having way to much fun with this AU and really don't want to end it. So because of that look out for chapter 22. Anyway with that being said this chapter was approximately 1126 words in all by the end of it so until next time...
"Stay Awesome, Stay Safe, Have A Great Day Wherever You May Be And Remember I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater Peace Out My Pups" ;3

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