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I got off the FaceTime call with Zacky, and I smiled. It was good to know I helped him out a little bit. I hope he can see his boy. 

I was on my way to hang out with one of my friends. I haven't seen her in a while, and I just got back into contact with her. Last time I saw her, we were in high school and she was into some local rock band, and I think she hooked up with one of the guys, maybe a few of them. I don't know. She was always the rebellious friend who helped me chill out a little bit, and I was the straight and narrow friend who kept her on her feet. We lost contact over the years, and I just found her again on Instagram. She posted a lot of pictures of her baby. I never expected her to ever have a kid, but here she was. Her boy is about a year old, he has little blonde curls on top of his head, and bright blue eyes. She said that we should hang out, so here I am, on my way to a playground to meet up with her, and meet her baby. 

"Y/n! Over here!" I heard someone yell, it was her voice, but more mature and older. I looked around and saw her waving at me from the park. She had a baby propped on her hip, who was wearing a cute little train conductor hat. 

I ran up to her, and giggled, "It's been way too long! How have you been?" 

"Come on, sit down with us." she said, her smile fading while she led me towards a corner of the park. We sat down, in the sand, with our legs crossed. Her baby was placed in between us, and given a toy truck. 

"So, looks like you've done pretty good stuff with your life. I saw your pictures on Instagram, you're really good at taking photos. And this little cutie is pretty photogenic, what's his name?" I scrunched up my nose and smiled at the baby, who looked up and smiled back at me. 

"His name is Tennessee. I am pretty happy he was born. I love him so much, I just wish it could've worked out between me and his dad." 

I looked back at her, and she looked upset. 

"I'm sorry. I hope it works out for you guys." I gave her a sympathetic smile. 

"I don't know. I haven't seen the guy in about a week. We got into a fight, and I left with Ten." 

"Damn, that sucks. How do you feel about it?" 

"It is disappointing, I know it will work out. I kind of feel bad, but I think we just need time apart to work it out on our own." 

I nodded as she spoke, then thought about Zacky. This situation seems pretty similar to his. 

"Yeah, I have this other friend who is going through a very similar thing, and it's tough on the guy. I hope you and Ten's dad figure it out." I put my hand on hers, and she smiled and mouthed 'thank you' 

She opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out because we were interrupted by another person saying something, it sounded like my name..? 

I turned toward where I heard the voice, and my eyes went wide. 

"Zacky?" me and  Taylor said, at the exact same time. 

What the fuck? 

Lost and Found - Zacky VengeanceWhere stories live. Discover now